Kung-Fu Fighting

The Year was 1966 and Nels and I used to soak up every TV episode of Batman & Robin. We emulated them in our playtime. We now had villains, plots, and strategies to work with. But on September 28, of that year, during a two-part episode called, “The Spell of Tut,” The Green Hornet & Kato were featured, and they changed our Batman & Robin ways forever! Kato was a young Bruce Lee, and in that episode, Nels and I felt that the Cape Crusaders and the Dynamic Duo were whooped! They had met their match! We were so disappointed, but at the same time, thrilled at who did it!! We couldn’t wait for the following Thursday to see what would happen!
Shortly thereafter, The Green Hornet’s show went on the air. Suddenly, there was a craze. Everyone was fighting Kung-Fu or Karate. My older brother, Vincent practiced with us as did my sister-in-law, Winnie. Outside, kicks were flying high as the fever was all over us! Everyone caught it! But, like other fads, in a few years, we outgrew it all, until…

Five years later, Bruce Lee was everywhere in the US with his movie, Fist of Fury. Now, there were Karate chuck sticks along with the sounds of WAH…and YAO, and HA-CHAO, HI-JAH! To top that off, Jamaican singer, Carl Douglas, brought us in 1974, the Disco song, Kung Fu Fighting! We now had: Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh (followed by the whistling flute in Asian music). Great song! Great fighting techniques which renewed interests in ancient cultures and traditions. Soon, Samurai Ninjas were on the scenes with their full-body armors and fighting tactics that would take the world by storm. All are great for fighting and defending oneself against attacks, but fall short of the armor needed if you’re in God’s army.
To fight darkness and principalities, and demons of the underworld, and to fight the Prince of the Powers of the Air (Ephesians 2:2), who works in the children of disobedience, your attire will be different. Ephesians 6:10 tells us: “Stand firm then with [the] belt of truth, buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”
Of course, each item holds profound meanings, thus taking time to write about. But in a nutshell, we need to wear truth around our waist where lots of our strength comes from. We need righteousness right over our heart, and we need to stand firm, for starters. Our weapons to combat evil and the demons roaming this earth must be based on truth, soaked in the blood of Christ with which He defeated the enemy. We cannot chop spiritual beings with regular swords or with Karate chops. We need the helmet of salvation, the helmet that protects our minds-where many of our battles actually take place. Our minds need to be saturated with God’s peace and presence, and the salvation He secured for us at the cross. Taking the Sword of the Spirit (of God) which is His Word, will greatly help us battle opposing forces. And there are millions of forces opposing God’s truth. Satan himself knows God’s word and loves to twist it around to those who don’t actually know it and thereby deceiving them.
Here’s the thing: When you wear God’s armor, to others, you will not look like you’re out looking for a fight; you’ll look normal. However, demons detect God’s presence, and know what you’re capable of in the spiritual realm. They sense God’s presence. Think of the dark and blackish horse, Nazgul’s chase scene on the road in Lord of the Rings as it senses the ring is nearby.
No, you won’t need special sound effects or unusual attire, or even a stance; you won’t even have to sing, “Everybody was Kung fu fighting-Hu,” but you will need to brush up on reading the Word of God and dedicate time to prayer to get direction from God for your life. Now that you’re dressed, (daily), the battles begin.
God Bless!

The Rock

Wrestlers are easily identifiable by their getup, their antics, and their build. The Rock (Dwayne Johnson), made his debut at about the time that our 16-year-old son grew an affinity towards Wrestle-Mania. We began watching it with him. We watched the good & bad fights, as well as the fake ones too!
Withholding names, there was the “A” team and the “B” team. The wrestler on the “A” team had a sister whose boyfriend was on the “B” team. In order for the boyfriend to provoke her brother, he had a quick plan: “Slap me” he told her. She said, “What?” and he repeated it. She then pretended to slap him hard outside the ring where they were at. Problem was, the microphone was on and everyone heard it! Of course, her outraged brother ‘thought’ his sister was being harassed, and therefore, began punching the wrestler. When the replay was shown, they muted the mic. so that no-one could hear what had really happened! Our poor son! Shattered dreams!
Not so with Jesus. Before a band of men, officers, sent from the chief priests, the Pharisees, scribes, and elders, arrested Him at the garden, He had to be kissed for identification. He was a common man. He wasn’t identifiable because, unlike the religious people and leaders of the day, He didn’t seek His glory or fame. There were no bulging muscles, no outrageous outfits, no crazy acts or displays of authority to identify Him as The Son of God. The best take-way is He didn’t fake anything-not even His death as some believe. He didn’t remove the huge nails, wander off the cross, and stagger into a desert where He fainted and then lived ‘happily’ ever-after. Nope, He endured crucifixion to the end; He resurrected on the third day, and later ascended into heaven! The True Rock won’t shatter your dreams! He’s the real thing!
Wrestling with issues these days?
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). Our issues and struggles are not against individuals, agencies, or even “the system;” we’re fighting a spiritual battle in the atmospheric heavens led by Satan and his demonic beings. What do you wear for such battles? No outrageous outfits will do! Stay tune!
God Bless!

Faux Goods

Wood lovers like the real aspects of wood; its consistency, its natural makeup, its real grain & texture, and its many uses.  When wood isn’t available, or may be too expensive, one can make pieces of other materials look pretty close to the real thing by making faux wood.  From grain to shades, it’s possible to create what is desired, for a fraction of the cost.                   Same thing is possible with fur coats, leather bags, jewelry, and other items.  Faux has many uses.  Of course, it can be used to deceive others where the ‘real-deal’ is required, as in the art world, but instead, reproductions are substituted.                          

The ‘Church’ is in a critical place right now at this point in history. More and more people will see that there are actually two church bodies at play.  It’s been this way for close to two-thousand years.  There’s an accepted church which, although it stands for a few true principles, it isn’t the real church.  The real church is composed of believers world-wide that acknowledge Jesus as its head (Colossians 1:18).  It is known as the body of Christ. That is its title.  It is non-denominational.  It stands on the Word of God, the Truth of Christ’s Word, and is led by the Holy Spirit.  As more and more tensions arise commandeered by Satan, the Church body will continue to stand firm.  However, many members will fall and will even join the traditional Church, and eventually go astray.  Why?

Satan is a counterfeit.  Just as God is triune, Satan also has an unholy trinity (The False Prophet, The Antichrist, and the Beast).  Since He’s the Deceiver and the Father of Lies, he is on an “all-out” campaign to deceive as many as he can.  Those who rarely read God’s Word will be most susceptible to his cunning lies.  Those lies are in place as I write these words!  Hundreds of thousands are falling daily for his deceptions.   Eventually, people will begin to see that they’ve been following the faux church.  It will cost them dearly to take a stand, but it’ll be worth it.  But, how will I know the difference?

The body of Christ stands on the true Word of God.  It doesn’t waiver from issues condemned by God, nor does it give in to “doctrines of demons.” (1Timothy 4:1).  At this very moment, thousands of its members are suffering persecution world-wide.  Members of the faux church scuff at important and often controversial issues, and even embrace them with secular reasoning. 

What will Jesus do?  “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be dammed who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2Thessalonians 2:11-12).  Come on!  You don’t actually think I’ll fall for some cheap trick, do you?                                                                                               “He performs great signs (awe-inspiring acts) even making fire fall from the sky to the earth, right in the sight of men, and deceived them that dwell on the earth by means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live” (Revelation 13:13,14).                                                   

Jesus refers to Himself as The Good Shepherd and His followers as His sheep. Religious leaders in Jesus’ days did not follow Him. He said, “But you believe me not, because you are not of my sheep, as I said unto you, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:  And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand” (John 10:27,28). 

While faux may be good, it isn’t in this case.  Wake up!  Don’t be deceived!  Join the true Church of God, His body!  Sing Psalm 24:9,10: “Lift up your heads, O ye gates! And lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.  Who is this King of Glory?  The LORD of Host-He is the King of Glory!”

God Bless!


“You’ll have to take me in alive!!” “Over my dead body!” You’ll never catch me!”
Those were words we often used as kids playing cops and robbers, Cowboy and Indians, Crooks and Thieves, etc. Each game had its rules. Each game called for action. Always the villain, my little brother, Nels, had multiple ways of escaping us. He was always the bad guy, always the mastermind while our cuz, June, and I were the good guys setting up traps for a 5-yr. old! He’d escape on his tricycle. He’d go in to our bedroom and exit with costumes, weapons, etc.

Never! has been the reaction of many people, even God’s people towards changes or individuals. When asked if they’d like to serve God, most people will say they aren’t ready for it yet. That’s because most people believe we have to clean up our act first and be righteous BEFORE serving God. FALSE! God cleanses us! He makes us righteous, not we ourselves! Otherwise, why need Him if we could make it on our own? God can save and use ANYBODY He chooses to! Read on.

Many people can’t believe God could use a harlot for His glory and plans. It so happened that after Moses’ death, God raised Joshua in his place. Joshua sent out two spies. They were hidden and sheltered from the townspeople by Rahab, the harlot. A pact was made: Save my people since I have saved you two, she told the spies. It was agreed. Everyone within her house walls on the day of attack would be spared death. She first had to hang a red cord out her window.

On the day of attack, the red cord was spotted and everyone within saved. Rahab, a no-doubt, despise woman, went on to play an important part in God’s plans. In Matthew 1:5, Rahab, (here called Rachab) forms part of Jesus’ lineage! I’m sure that most of her shameful life she thought, I’ll never be worth anything.” But God can use anyone and everyone for His kingdom. A seemingly nobody, a worthless person by society’s standards, became world-known.

God doesn’t say, “Yeah, yeah-and last, but not least…” NO, you’ll be included as one of the greats in His kingdom should you decide to follow Him.
The religious leaders of His day, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees, claimed ‘Never will God bare a son!’ He’s Spirit, and has no human features, they thought. Therefore, it was blasphemous for Jesus not only to claim being the Son of God, but also to be equal to Him.
Yes, they knew the scriptures! But they also missed some of them! The book of Isaiah says, “Therefore, the Lord (Adonay) himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and call his name Immanuel” (7:14). Had they read that and understood it, they’d know that Immanuel means God with us.

Another missed scripture is Isaiah 9:6 “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace (Sar Shalom).” Living under NEVER! cost them to miss out on appreciating the Messiah right in their midst! He had all these lessons for them.

How about you? Do you think your neighbors will ever be accepted by God? Do you think He doesn’t need them? DO you think they don’t deserve to get in? Do you think you’ll never be accepted by God? Read these words:
“But God is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering towards us-ward not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2Peter 3:9).
God hasn’t returned because He’s waiting on you to call upon Him. Once you do, you’ll never say NEVER, but will always be in His presence.
God Bless!

Up, Up, And Away

The Fifth Dimension may have sung about it, and many people dreamt of traversing the skies in beautiful balloons, but one can only get so far. But what if you could fly without an air balloon, or an airplane, or a helicopter, or without any type of machine? Back, around 1963, while visiting my grandma in the Bronx, in the projects, my dad looked out the window and said, “There it goes!” I was curious, ecstatic! “What was it?” I asked. “It was Supercar!” he said. I couldn’t believe it! I searched every window but couldn’t find it. “Where, where, where?” I kept asking. But there wasn’t one. I couldn’t believe my dad had made it up. Supercar was a TV series around 1962 about a man whizzing by in a flying car! Only recently have flying cars been around. But no one can fly one to heaven, not even a supercar can get us there.
Of course, one can get to heaven by dying or getting killed. But that’s not the way we’d like to go! Moving to heaven is literally right around the corner! I’m talking about getting there while we’re still alive. Ever thought about that? Current life events as well as near-future ones, point without a doubt, that our call Home is extremely near and imminent! Stay tuned for more details in Mysteries!
God Bless!


Lots of people live with s stigma.  Many kids from certain countries now living in the US face criticism for their looks, their customs, their heritage.  The stigma of being from elsewhere and not having been born on US soil is a reality for adults as well.  The thing is, many of those hurling criticism, may not have been born in the US themselves. Sometimes, their parents weren’t either.  Nevertheless, picking on others happens to be a way of life for many.  The old saying that people feel good putting others down because they lift themselves up, is very true and alive.   

                                                                                                        Sometimes, decisions we have made bring about stigmas.  Oftentimes, we have to endure the talk and wrath of others.  Jesus knows your story.  He knows the feeling.  He can relate.  We know Jesus led a perfect life, though things affecting His life on earth weren’t.  Truth has always had lies and accusations to contend with.  Misunderstandings form when the whole story is overlooked, or misunderstood.

We sometimes think that our secrets, decisions, or past ways will remain unknown to others.  Sometimes, yes, but not always.  On many occasions, Jesus was accused of being a false prophet, of having connections to the underworld when it came to healing and producing miracles (Matthew 12:24). The one I’m sure had to hit home was when His birth was questioned.  Mary and Joseph knew Jesus’ birth was supernaturally fulfilled.  They knew it was prophetic.  They knew He was God’s Prophet and Savior, though they didn’t comprehend it all.  Nevertheless, they lived with the whispers.   

And so, on one occasion, Jesus was told, “We were not born of fornication” (John 8:41), meaning Mary was believed to not have been pure when pregnant and carrying Him.  I don’t know about you, but in my old neighborhood, our peers were allowed to say all kinds of things about us and against us-save about our moms. That’s when fist went flying whether at school, the home, or anywhere.  They were basically telling Him He was the last one that should talk about spiritual or religious matters.

Jesus lived with the stigma of His heavenly Father’s plan: Being born of a virgin.  It didn’t irritate Him because He knew the truth, plus, He knew the hearts of the religious leaders incessantly trying to discredit Him, and He let them know that they were vipers, hypocrites, ignorant and blind leaders (All of Matthew 23, particularly, verse 33).  While they were telling Him where He came from, He told them where they were going (Matt 23:14): to receive a greater condemnation than others, and because they had not believed He was the Son of God, that they would die in their sins (John 8:24).

Bottom line: Jesus can relate to our stigmas, our put-downs, our hurts.  The word says, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are- yet he did not sin (Hebrews 4:15).  Cast your cares upon Him.

“Cast your cares upon Him, lay your life before Him,                     For only He is worthy to stand,                                                         In tribulation, trial, and sorrow,                                                         When you can’t see through tomorrow,                                            He’ll reveal to you the frailty of a man”                                            (Song by John Michael Talbot)

God Bless,


Are You Serious?

Growing up, we had Alex & Miguel on the block. They had about 5-6 younger siblings with Alex being the oldest. He was funny while Miguel, though a good kid, was plain crazy. One day around 1973, we came into possession of a large cardboard box, probably from a stove. Miguel came up with the great idea of stepping inside while we’d throw sticks and metal pipes at it, like on a magic show. He thought they’d pass right by his face, over his head, etc. “Get out, stupid!” Alex told him. Miguel was about 13 then and didn’t see anything wrong with his idea! Was he kidding?
When God tells us to do things or not to, He’s not kidding. We might not be serious, but He is. We might make plans, or might even foresee results down-the-road, but God sees the entire picture from start to finish (as if viewed from above). Besides, He has a plan for everything, and He doesn’t have to share it with us.
When God expects us to carry out something and we don’t, He tells us that “rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry” (1Samuel 15:23).
Some people see God’s word or commandments as suggestions. Take Moses, He led God’s people out of Egypt where God performed great miracles in the midst of the Egyptians. They saw firsthand God at work. Only He could cause it to be pitch-dark in Egypt and daytime on the side for the Hebrews. God brought judgement and pestilence upon the Egyptians by the hand of Moses. Moses led Israel through the Red Sea, and into the wilderness throughout forty years. Yet, he wasn’t allowed into the Promised Land after all he had gone through. For starters, he was 80 when he began!
Why didn’t he enter? Because he disobeyed God’s voice. When the people asked for water, God told Moses to strike the rock before him, which he did, and out came water. Later, a second time, God again told him to speak to the rock but Moses instead told the people: “Hear now, ye rebels; must we bring water out of this rock for you?” (Numbers 20:10). He made it sound like he would be the one doing the miracles. Then, instead of speaking to it, he struck it, not once, but twice. If you didn’t know, Moses was considered by God Himself as the meekest man on earth, yet he lost his cool. Speak, hit, what’s the big deal? It so happens that many things in scripture are symbolic.
“And Moses lifted up his hand and with his rod smote the rock twice and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also. And the LORD (Yahweh) spoke unto Moses and Aaron, because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore, you shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them” (Numbers 20:11, 12). Moses was supposed to trust God to bring forth water. He didn’t. Plus, he didn’t speak to the rock, but struck it, and, he struck it twice. Since the Rock was Christ (1Corinthians 10:4), and he would be ‘wounded’ (Isaiah 53:5) once, striking Him twice meant Christ was being crucified twice, something which would not happen.
Jesus doesn’t get crucified every year and resurrected each Easter. The holiday is a commemoration. “But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right of God” (Hebrew10:12).
So, are you serious? Yep, God says what He means, and means what He says. Take Him at His Word.
God Bless,

God’s Wisdom

            Entering our time machine, we can go back several thousand years and visit the richest man ever, King Solomon, who also was the wisest man that ever lived.  “He was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezra-hite, He-man, and Chal-col, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations around.  He…spoke 3,000 proverbs, and his songs were 1005” (1Kings 4:29-34).  He had…horses, etc. He could solve riddles, mysteries, and issues plaguing his people 
               Fast-forwarding several centuries, we can make a stop at Jesus’ neighborhood and catch Him walking amongst man.  When He walked the earth, He had lots of issues with the so-called religious leaders of the day.  Simply because they had learned God’s rules and commandments one particular way, and considered every other way wrong.  Nothing could get them to interpret things differently.                                                                            
                 On a particular day, He said to them, Behold, one greater than Solomon is here.  For all of King Solomon’s worth, Jesus was even greater. In so many words, Jesus was telling the people that they needed to move on.  Had they truly understood the scriptures they were claiming to uphold and follow, they would have recognized Him as the One the prophets of old had been waiting for.                                                                                                             
                 Getting back to our time machine, we can travel to the first day of creation!  If you contemplate God’s creation, you’ll notice He didn’t just create things into being, He made each with a divine purpose and abilities.  Each possesses tremendous skills and/or qualities for a unique model.  Wisdom is evident in all of God’s magnificent creation.                                                                                                  
              I once read that a Scientist challenged God saying he too was highly capable of creating human life.  Off they went to gather their supplies. As God reached for His pile of dirt, the scientist took the opportunity to ask Him for some.  God told him, “Go make your own dirt!”  The scientist couldn’t use existing dirt to make a man, he first had to create dirt.                                                                                  
            “By faith we understand that the things we see were created by things we don’t see” (Hebrews 11:3). 
              God didn’t use what was already lying around to make things.  No, He created all things out of nothing.

God Bless,

This World

On the outside of our world, everything looks dandy. Some folks have plenty of clothing, some people have fancy homes, good-paying jobs, and maybe the latest gadgets. However, a reality lurks beneath. The true state of our world is darkness. There’s homelessness, sickness, disease, hunger, injustice, and depravity. Along with that, there are a few celebrities promoting their successes, waving their wealth in the faces of the poor and dying. There are rich politicians enriching themselves with other’s money; and on it goes. But real success doesn’t come from obtaining multiple millions in one’s bank accounts. Rich, poor, and the middle-class commit suicide just like others all the same. The real issue is a spiritual one. The song, This World by Caedmon’s Call, shares deep, pensive truths. Observe: “This world has nothing for me, and this world has everything. All that I could want, and nothing that I need.”
The world offers nothing, except everything. It offers all I want but nothing I really need. There’s a deep, deep deception in this world and it’s enveloping millions of people. Referencing the birth of Christ, scripture tells us, “The people walking in darkness, have seen a great light” (Isaiah 9:2). That light came to intervene in the affairs of men, as well as to reveal its level of darkness. It showed us how depraved we were without a savior.
Yet we continue in those same conditions today. The darkness surrounds us. The difference now is that there’s hope. Jesus’ birth is like that light-switch that Mulder and Scully (X-Files) always failed to find in each room they walked into. We can invite the Light into our lives; He lives among us. He came to give us hope, and to show us where the switch is, if you will. We can leave the darkness. “…the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God should shine unto them” (2Corinthians 4:4). He doesn’t want them saved. People will ask, “Yeah, but having all that money can’t be all bad, right?” That can be answered with other questions such as: “How many of those rich people (primarily talk-show hosts and celebrities) promote Jesus above all else? Do they promote humility? How many deny publicity? How many promote handing out millions to help their local communities?” Jesus said: “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, brothers, or relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous” (Luke 14:12 NIV). See, saying they’re good people, or religious, or a lover of God, doesn’t mean anything. It’s having a relationship with Him. It’s promoting His agenda in their lives that identifies them with salvation.
So, what’s wrong with rich or well-off friends inviting you back? God wants us to do things without sounding a trumpet. He doesn’t want us saying, “You see all those people there? I put them where they are today.” People will then applaud us and that gives us our nice pat on the back. God wants to be the one rewarding us for the things we do without calling attention to ourselves. This world has recently sunk into more depravity than ever before. The forces of darkness are enveloping people to the point they can’t even imagine, much less see that there’s a light-switch in their midst. Where there is hurt, abuse, lying, depression, sickness, drugs, and hopelessness, darkness practically swallows people because there seems to be no way out. Jesus gave people hope. “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD (Yahweh) in the land of the living” (Psalm 27:13). When Jesus the Light-giver, established Himself in the world, He kept the powers of darkness at bay. At the cross, and resurrection, He defeated the king of darkness. He defeated sin. He defeated Death. You can overcome darkness in your life. God is a giver of hope. He’s the Light of the world (John 9:5). He’s here to change your life, your circumstances. Give Him not your poverty, your sickness, nor your riches; give Him your entire life. Lay your life before Him.
When He came, He told Saul (Christian persecutor) that He came: “To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God, that they might receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me” [Jesus] (Acts 26:18).

God Bless,