Packed Bags

Back around 1970, on our block, we began hearing Peter, Paul, & Mary’s Leaving on a Jet Plane.  We liked that song a lot, though decades later I would learn that it was actually written by John Denver. Our friend Gil used to do a mime about the song whenever it came on the radio. He’d pretend he’d open a suitcase, pack it, shut it, then stash it under his left arm and swing his right forearm like a coupling rod moving the wheels on a locomotive as he pretended to walk away.  On very windy, and sometimes rainy nights, he’d pull out the attached hat on his windbreaker, put it on, and tie it.  He’d then pull the jacket up, slipping the hat upwards above his head so it would appear that his head was hollow.  As he mimed the song, the wind would sweep his ‘head’ all over the place and we’d die laughing at his antics!                                                                                       Packing suitcases comes naturally to some people and not to others. Prior to the pandemic, family members made fun of a sister-in-law of ours.  Since her husband died in 2017, she was now traveling everywhere she could every chance she had.  We joked that she never unpacked; always ready for the next journey.                                                                               Back in 1977, I remember the song & lyrics to Diana Ross’ song, Theme from Mahogany.  The first few lines say:                                  Do you know where you’re going to?                                                                 Do you like the things that life is showing you?                                     Where are you going to?                                                                             Do you know?  That particular song played over and over on the radio and in my head as I was going through a real tough situation. I didn’t like where I was going. I didn’t like where I was. I didn’t like what life was showing me. It was the darkest time of my life and it seemed there was no way out. At times, I didn’t want a way out. I wanted life to go back to how it had been. I didn’t like my-then situation at all. It was a time of confusion, a time of tears, and a time of many questions. I learned that life can show us some very ugly things.  It can take us through some dark, rainy alleys.  It can cause us to mime life rather than to live it.  When the winds of change strike hard, our heads can be floating around tossed about as if disconnected from our bodies.  Sometimes, we just want to pack life for good.  We’re done with life.  We want to unpack and never bother with anything or anyone-ever again.  But God is there waiting. His thumb is raised. He wants to hitch a ride with you. Look for Him. He’s there and here, and at every corner and every turn. Don’t miss Him. He knows all about you and He knows where you’re at at every moment of your life. he knows what you’re going through.          Maybe you’re in the group that doesn’t like packing.  They don’t like moving.  They don’t like changing anything.  They just ‘wanna be.’  However, they might be at dangerous crossroads in their lives.                                                                                                  Gil didn’t mime for his benefit, he did it for ours!  He knew we were there. We were his audience.  He knew we enjoyed the antics!  Likewise, God is there with you!  He waits patiently in the shadows, in the dark alleys of our lives.  He waits for us to call out to Him.  He’s ever-ready to save us, but needs to hear us ask for His help, for His direction.                                                          So, do you know where you’re headed?  You can’t go to the nearest gas station or food-mart to get a map for your life. Packed or unpacked, God knows where you should go.  He knows where you need to be this very moment.  Seek Him.  Ask Him.  Raise your thumb and hitch a ride.                                                                                                               We’re told in Proverbs 3:5,6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.” Faster than a jet plane, we’ll be ‘outta’ here when He calls us home.  No suitcases needed.

God Bless!