Against the Wind

That’s a great song by Bob Seager and the Silver Bullet band! One line rings true for most of us: “I’m older now but I’m still running against the wind.” As a track runner, I can recall those days when there was a headwind; it just sucked the life out of you. No matter how hard you pushed it seemed you were standing still. Same thing when I was into cycling. I’d look at my calendar to see my last timing for a certain distance, and then determine how well I felt that particular day to see if I could break that timing. Many times, I just couldn’t do it! The winds were up against me pushing mercilessly. As I sometimes look back, I can see the hardships in my life, the broken promises, the enduring pain. I can see the anxieties that built-up, the insecurities that formed, the tears I shed over a broken heart. Accompanying those tears and hurts were the ever-present lyrics of songs that either comforted me or supported the hurts. Don’t we all have a set of songs that relate to difficult times in our lives? Remember when life was young? Remember when love was true? Remember your vows? Remember those words you promised or were promised to you? How you were this close to tying the knot? This close to happiness? Can you relate to the pains that have brought you to this point in your life? Maybe you’re not out of the woods yet. Maybe just recently you had your heart or life shattered. You might still be bleeding from the stabs; reeling from the hurt, still gathering the broken pieces of your life. You don’t know where to go or how to even put one foot in front of the next. You feel you can’t stand alone. During my runs, both on foot and on bike, there were days when the wind was at my back. Those were days when I could fly! On the track, when running, my long hair flew in the wind as I sped around the track catching runner after runner. On the bike, I remember one day coming off the small bridge from Rockaway beach. It was either North or South Conduit Ave. going towards Cross-bay BLVD. The winds were behind me and I was whizzing by! I was pedaling at 30 mph for five miles straight, considering traffic and traffic lights! When we’re running against the winds, we’re struggling. When our lives went against the wind, all types of hurt and pains were present. We don’t reach a point where the winds are gone. Sometimes they’re calm, sometimes they’re crossways. But they’re usually present. Pains are still present. Many times, I feel like I’m still running against the wind. Nothing I say or do seems right. Things are blown out of proportion. Feelings get hurt and life gets difficult. I find I can’t be around people I love. Fortunately, God makes a way for us. Going with God, is going with the wind. We can give Him our hurts. He’ll take our sad yesterdays and give us glorious tomorrows. He’ll dry our tears. He’ll show us how to shift our focus from unpleasant memories to brighter experiences. He’ll have us running around the track (of life) with renewed hope. He’ll even give us new songs to sing. Not songs of how our hearts were broken or how we were left at the altar, but songs of victory, songs of hope, songs of laying our lives down at His altar of sacrifice. Winds will remain present, but God is on our side. In fact, one thing that motivated us most at track meets, were the cheering crowds. God cheers us on daily. He believes we can make it through to the other side-if we just hold on a bit longer. Like the Irish saying: “May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of your hand.” Go with the Wind!! If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31). God is for you! God Bless, Sam