
It’s pretty amazing to watch chainsaw carvers. Those with blocks of ice, as well as those with huge tree trunks in front of them, are able to ‘see’ what their stump will become. “Brumm” the saws go chipping away around edges and corners where arms, legs, bears, eagles, or other creatures will appear. After some time, the end result emerges-spectacular! I remember a lady carving an 18’ tall eagle sculpture from a tree and using 250 tools in the process! From such carvings, masterpieces come forth. God’s words to Israel: “See, I will never forget you; I have carved you in the palm of my hands” (Isaiah 49:15,16). Be His masterpiece! Allow Him to chip away at those things He knows need trimming. As he works on you, He’ll present you with a new body when you get to heaven! He’s the Master Craftsman.
God Bless!