Power has gone out today, Saturday, September 17, 2022 for 15 minutes. We’re getting lots of rain, and it’s very windy. Power goes out again as winds and rain increase, this time for close to 9 hours. Power returns at 11:30p.m. At 2:30 a.m. Sunday morning, September 18, it’s gone again and hasn’t returned yet. Sunday saw 18-25” of heavy and severe rainfall coupled with 90mph winds. It’s interesting that on this very day 35 years ago, hurricane Hugo made landfall. Today, it’s hurricane Fiona. Hopefully, Shrek isn’t following behind! It’s now Monday evening and it’s very unlikely power will be restored, not for at least several weeks. Of over a million people here, supposedly, 46k currently have power. There’s no water either due to several rivers running their banks and polluting it. Since some generators are used to provide water, and there is no electricity, there’s little water. Such are storms. They wreak havoc in our lives. They’re unpredictable. They rain trials upon and winds of adversity whip us into exhaustion. Such weather patterns cause us to flee to higher ground lest we experience flooding and risk getting washed away. During hurricane season, June 1st– Nov. 30th, we prep ourselves seeking refuge in higher ground, moving to safe locations, purchasing non-perishable, stocking up on water, having backup power of sorts, phones charged, and stocking up on necessary things like meds, diesel, gas, candles and matches. Not only do we experience seasons of change in our daily lives, but storms as well. Where are you these days? Experiencing hurricanes, tornados, blizzards? “God (Elohim) is our Refuge (Machseh) and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). “The name of the LORD (Yahweh) is a strong tower (Migdol-oz): the righteous run into it, and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10). Seek Him in higher grounds. Hiding in Him is your safest bet. You can’t perish in Him. He’s the River of Life offering Living Water. There’s power in His Name, so you’ll always be charged. He’s “All, and in all” (Colossians 3:11), simply put, He’s all you need. No need for batteries or candles or to have your power restored, cause… “Then spoke Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). God Bless, Sam Update: Saturday, September 24, 2022, power was restored after eight days. We had water for less than a day. Went thrice to purchase diesel at a few stations for our generator, and learned there was a shortage on the island because the ports were closed. Today’s news reports 700 containers have arrived with enough diesel for all who need it. However, there was none until the next day. Further update: Some towns were affected more than others with some getting up to 35” of rain. Power was restored to almost 90% of residents Saturday, October 1st. No FEMA help available yet. President Biden came to “see” conditions two weeks after the damage. I guess he expects people to leave everything as is so he can attest to the deplorable conditions. That’s life in PR.