Kids have a special way of tugging at parents’ hearts, especially girls. When our little ones were five, three, and two I built a cushioned-prayer kneeling bench so I could pray with our three kids before night-night. As they got older, they were tucked in, read to, and prayed-over each night. It was hard the first time the two older ones left for an entire week to summer camp. We received their post cards the very next day! The cards shared the wonderful times they were having! Years later all three went off; our son to the Army, & the girls to study in the states. We had an empty home. After a few years they returned for a few months. My wife had been wondering what we’d do once we became empty-nesters. How would we manage their absence? In a whirlwind, they had returned & left before we could figure out what was happening. For two years after our girls left, I’d go into their room each night as was customary and I’d “see” them there ready to sleep. I could hear them saying, “Bendicion Pa!” and “Bendicion Papiiiiii!” “Bendicion” equates to “Please Bless me.” But of course, they weren’t there and we now had to face what we dreaded: an empty home. Needless to say, we shed lots of tears during those lonely years. Last week we came across five hard-working young men and seven, equally industrious, beautiful girls that visited our home with the intention of helping us with some projects. For two days they became our adopted kids! They were fabulous! They tackled all types of projects! They’re the type that if you scold them saying, “Go to the field and do some chores” they’ll say, “Really, gee, thanks dad, you’re the best!” The more we asked them to help us with, the more they thanked us… leaving us scratching our heads! Young guys come in really handy lending a hand around the land, and girls will always tug at our hearts. This group was a thrill to have around! They exuded a sweetness that proceeds from God, our heavenly Father. How does God see us? He sees us through a Father’s eyes. A father watches his kids and delights in their idiosyncrasies, especially, when we imitate or reflect his ways in some form. In God’s case, when we do His will, we please Him. He’s pleased and glorified when we love as He loves; when we lend a hand as he does; when we forgive as he forgives, and when we encourage others just as He encourages us to persevere. In terms of our ‘adopted’ kids, they showed their love to God as follows:
How Do I Love You?
I love you Lord when I can lend a hand to clear my brother’s land.
I love you Lord when I can cut down trees, or scrub dirty tiles down on my knees.
I love you Lord when I can take down a deck
And leave windows sparkling clean without a speck.
I love you Lord when I can bring down a balcony
While working with others in harmony.
I love you Lord when with, or without a tool
I can put together a long-awaited pool.
I love you Lord when I can sort-out pieces of wood
And praise you all the more for the provided delicious food!
Today, be the best son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter you can possibly be. Share your love with your father or with a father-figure. He’s not around? Share it with God. He’s been watching you, tucking you in, and reading to you every night for so many years. He’s even adopted you into His kingdom. “In love, He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ in accordance with His pleasure and will” (Ephesians 1:5).
Happy Father’s Day!
Our Adopted Young Men & Women!