Just Like Jesus?

What would you have done had you been Jesus? I can tell you what I would have done in His place.
First, while on that cross, I’d be thinking, “Boy, can’t wait till I get down from here. First thing I’m going to do is show up at the doorsteps of those religious men that condemned me to death.” “Then, I’m going to show my fully-healed back to the tormentors who cruelly whipped me till most of my back was in shreds.”
“These things will I do before breaking-bread with my disciples and before my ascension.” What would you have done?
Unlike us, “Jesus humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death on the cross” (Philippians 2:8). He controlled Himself and did what He had to do, nothing more. He could have casually walked by the temple just to make sure people got a glimpse of Him. He could have left a note telling all the religious folk how wrong they were…
I guess that’s why He’s God and I’m not. What about you, find yourself oftentimes praying for fire down from the skies on the person who took your parking spot, or at the shmuck who wronged you? It’s normal. Incorrect, but normal. It shows how much we need Jesus in our lives. Unfortunately, as much as I often think I’m right, Jesus did it correctly.
Happy Easter!