Love Song

Peter Frampton sang, Baby I Love Your Way and the Spinners sang Could It Be I’m Falling in Love? Like thousands of others, they’re great love songs. I once heard an illustration of a guy in love who told his girl something like this:
“Nothing can keep me away from you. No river can keep me from getting near you. I’ll cross the widest ocean to see your sweet face I’ll scale the highest mountain to hear your voice… but I’ll see you in two days cause it’s raining tonight.”
So much for true love!
God looked down from His throne room and saw a huge gulf between Himself and mankind. It was a vast space covered in sin disallowing for fellowship with His most prized possession.
He stooped from holiness to mankind. From riches and glory, to poorness and gory, He climbed high upon a hill to proclaim His love to the world (And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to me-John 12:32). He didn’t get down on one knee and ask, “Will you marry me?” That would’ve been too easy. With nailed feet and out-stretched arms spiked to a cross, He yelled, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).
Instead, through love and sacrifice, He laid down His life for you and me. He conquered sin closing forever the gulf separating Him from His beloved. Your name is there…Desiree, Roger, Tony, Nancy, Shamika, Deb, Steve, Joey, Tray, Lauren, etc.
An old song says…
I’ll shout it from the mountain top I want my world to know The Lord of love has come to me I want to pass it on.
(Pass It On-It Only Takes a Spark)
God Bless,