Softly we ran through the snow. It was a game of two-hand touch football. The snow was 16” deep. The winds howled. Hail rained on us. We ducked our heads and took giant steps in and out of the snow. We covered a few feet of ground with each run before feeling the exhaustion. As we tried to look up, the cold snow bit into our faces. Ice-cold winds cut deep into the skin. We stuck our tongues out and tasted flurries. But we trudged on. We passed the ball, we tackled each other. It wasn’t about winning; it was about fun. It was about seeing how far we could get by raising our legs as high as possible to take one step. We fell on our faces. We fell on our backs. We stared at the skies with nearly-closed eyes and swallowed the silence around us.
Our heads felt as if we were spinning. It was as if we were in a movie where the camera man is circling around us capturing our every move. We could stay there all day had it not been for our freezing feet. Hail beat upon us and we shielded our faces with our freezing hands. Our pinkish ears felt like they might fall off. Then we laughed! We screamed! We knew that in the silence no one could hear us. “I’m heading home to warm up” I said. “Me too!” said another. “Yep!” was the consensus. No score and no losers, for we were all winners. We had tasted the coolness of snow. We had basked in its chill. We had rested in its depths. We had looked into God’s treasures of snow and hail; we had felt His Hand upon us (Job 38:22).
Have you been touched by His hand? Have you fallen on your face before Him? Have you entered into His secret rooms? Do you know Him well enough to share your secrets with Him?
When you do, you’ll want to bask in His presence. You’ll want to lay on your back and feel His caress. You’ll feel His touch upon your face. You’ll be a winner, but only after you lose yourself in Him. You’ll feel yourself spinning in circles. God’s always there; always here like a cameraman admiring you from every angle. He can’t get enough of you! Go ahead, laugh, scream with joy and excitement because He loves you! The One whose treasures include snow and hail, has you at the top of His list! He also has treasures of blessings in disguise for you. Let Him snow upon you! Throw the ball, take a shot. He’s making a pass, go deep. Catch it!
Now go home and warm up. Get ready for tomorrow; more snow is on the way.
God bless!