With a pillow at my back, I lean against the bay window seat gazing out at the snow swirls. Softly it falls. White and soft, fluffy and gently it lands without making a sound. Powdery-white trees surround my home. Branches beautifully display God’s creativity. A hallow silence is echoed throughout the land. Beauty is frozen in time available for all to behold, for all to cherish.
Holding a soft pillow to my cheek I take in its pleasant scent as I drift (like the snow) between bouts of sleep and daydreams of the goodness of God. As the fire crackles and flames dance, I think of His gentleness, of how He calms everything. He calms our fears and qualms.
Like gentle falling snow, the Holy Spirit settles upon our lives stilling our nerves, changing our inner environment, and like a fresh blanket of snow that hides dirty grounds and filthy streets, He makes of us a beautiful wonderland. Like the fire in a fireplace, He warms our hearts.
God Bless,