Walking Bike

One wintry day back in ’76 or ’77. I rode to work as usual with around 6” of snow on the ground. My ride on Bushwick Ave. totaled about three miles each way. It was cold and windy. I wore my large army coat which repelled water and snow. It was great for fighting the wind-chill-factor. On my back I carried an army knapsack. It was rugged and strong. It carried extra clothing for the weather as well as emergency items.
On the way home that afternoon, we were getting hit by a snowstorm expecting another 10” making visibility very difficult. My ride from Flushing Avenue to Myrtle Avenue was an uphill one. After that it leveled out for the next two miles before going uphill again. Aware that I could not ride the bike, I began walking home. Just past Myrtle, a motorist, trudging along at about 5 mph. and finding himself right next to me, leaned over, lowered his passenger-side window, and said, “Oh, I see, some people walk their dog, but you walk your bike!” Dumbfounded, and before I could explain, he laughed and moved on.
Sometimes, our walks are long. Sometimes, they’re through pouring rain. Other times, they may be through scorching heat. They might even be like that day, through a storm. Whether you’re walking through puddles (lots of tears), deserts (finances dried up), snow drifts (bills mounting), or slush (all stressed out), remember these famous lyrics of long ago:
“And he walks with me and he talks with me And he tells me I am his own And the joy we share as I tarry there None other has ever known.”
Jesus makes the walk more pleasant-whether you’re walking a dog or walking a bike. And while He’s there walking beside you, allow Him to carry your knapsack loaded with your worries, problems, and sins. He’s going your way. Above all, remember to laugh in the midst of your storm.
*In the Garden by C. Austin Miles, 1913
God Bless!


There I was face to face with my enemy. White, plastic sword in my hand. Directly opposite me stood my brother Ruben. Unlike other times when I faced off with my little brother, Nelson, three years younger, whom I defeated several times over, slicing and dicing him to smithereens, Ruben was taller and eleven years my senior.
“On Guard!” we yelled. Crisscross, up, down, straight, zig-zag, diagonally we tried to slice the other off. I was El Zorro; he was a vigilante. Our living room was our stadium, our battleground. Minutes went by. We moved in my direction, then in his. I tried cornering him but his height and arm-reach were greater than mine. I climbed on the sofa, then jumped down again. “Give up” we said. “I’ll slice you to pieces,” said the other. “Down, you dog!” we said. Round and round we danced daring the other to give up. As more minutes went by it was evident this would not be an easy fight, not for an 11-year-old. This was a quality sword not some cheap $.25 blade. It had won many battles and this was an epic match.
Sparring was in our blood and soon someone’s blood would be spilt. “Aha! take this” said Ruben and suddenly, my sword was slashed in two! He thrust the ball-point at the end of his sword into my heart and blood in the form of laughter poured out as I fell on the sofa! We had a good laugh and Ruben was the new champ. Now it was time to admit defeat and trash my sword. My fifty-cent sword had come a long way; It had experienced many fights.
We are commanded in Scripture to “Take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17) to fight against, and conquer the opposing forces of evil.
On Guard!
God Bless,


With a pillow at my back, I lean against the bay window seat gazing out at the snow swirls. Softly it falls. White and soft, fluffy and gently it lands without making a sound. Powdery-white trees surround my home. Branches beautifully display God’s creativity. A hallow silence is echoed throughout the land. Beauty is frozen in time available for all to behold, for all to cherish.
Holding a soft pillow to my cheek I take in its pleasant scent as I drift (like the snow) between bouts of sleep and daydreams of the goodness of God. As the fire crackles and flames dance, I think of His gentleness, of how He calms everything. He calms our fears and qualms.
Like gentle falling snow, the Holy Spirit settles upon our lives stilling our nerves, changing our inner environment, and like a fresh blanket of snow that hides dirty grounds and filthy streets, He makes of us a beautiful wonderland. Like the fire in a fireplace, He warms our hearts.
God Bless,

Howling Winds, Stillness and Beauty

Twinkling lights shine bright
On a cold, dark, snowy night.
Logs aglow in the fireplace,
Send heat and warmth upon my face.
Clenched blanket wrapped around me tightly,
As twinkling lights shine ever-so brightly.
Serene stillness & peace envelope me,
Priceless beauty as only snow can be

God Bless!

By The Fire
Warmth On A Cold, Dark, Snowy Night

A Step Down

Utter blackness on a moonless night,
A zillion stars swept the skies.
As God stooped into humankind,
Glory and riches left behind.
Mary birthed the giver of life
Joseph tended the needs of his dear wife.
Darkness was pierced by a baby’s cries,
Catching the busy world by surprise.

God Bless!

God Stepped Down To Save Us

New Suit, New Man

It was our high school senior year and we were getting ready for our yearbook pictures. We were all given the address, but most of us were confused. The location was very near the school, yet no one had ever seen a photo studio there. Nevertheless, we went. What happened was photographers rented an old, abandoned building.
When I walked in, I kind of bumped into a guy all dressed up in a nice suit. We both quickly turned around and apologized to each other. I thought this was the photographer. I then noticed he was a fellow student, Ramos. Turns out, the students were all dressed up-unrecognizable to each other, yet the photographers were all dressed down. Hippie-looking, they quickly took our shots and off we were.
New suits hid the students. Nice hairdos camouflaged the old selves. “Wow!” we said to one another. “Didn’t know you could look this good,” some said. “Yeah man, it’s just for a dumb picture, you know?” others said. Here we were facing the reality that in a few months we’d be kicked out of school-something we were excited about but at the same time nervous for. Mandatory draft had just ended before our 18th birthdays and some of us were relieved. We could now focus on our dreams and the future.
That was the 1970s. It was when a song was released, Garden Party by Ricky Nelson. I thought it was nice song. I told my mom about it and she actually knew about the singer! I couldn’t believe it. She told me he had been like an Elvis Presley, a Rock & Roller who joined the service, came home, no longer felt like rocking, and no one recognized him anymore, ‘cause he didn’t look the same or felt the same as in earlier years. She had some of the facts right. He did go to a Madison Square Garden concert to sing his songs. No more a clean-cut version of himself, but a long-haired fella, he tried pleasing the crowd. However, the fans only wanted his old hits-not new songs. They even booed him off the stage. That’s life. We can’t please everybody.
Some people tend to picture God as an old man in a long robe giving out commands in His deep, baritone voice. NOT! He never changes (Hebrews 13:8), He’s always the same! Doesn’t age! He’s eternally the same in every way! Shouldn’t be hard to identify Him.
However, He came to earth as Jesus. He dressed in a suit of flesh. He lived amongst us yet no one recognized Him. He spoke the Word, spoke of God the Father, performed miracles, yet men were clueless. “From where does he get this wisdom and the power to perform these miracles?” they asked (Mark 6:2).
Growing up, I remember reading the short fortunes that would come with Bazooka gums at the end of the comic strips (remember those?). One said, “Wear a different face tomorrow and see what happens.” Great advice. Here’s something a bit better. Give your life to God and he will dress you in righteousness: “And that you put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness” (Ephesians 5:24).
God will dress you with His holiness-a new suit, if you will. Friends and family will be surprised when they “bump” into you. You’ll be a different person. Some will want you to be the way you used to be, to sing the songs of old. They’ll want you to return to the old man. They’ll boo you. That’s ok. You can walk off the stage of the old life and on to a new platform.
The ugly sin that we inherited at birth will get replaced by God’s love and grace. It won’t be temporary, but eternal. Not just for the “picture- moment,” but for as long as you continue to honor God and to walk in obedience to His Word and will. You’ll graduate to becoming a New Creation” (2Corinthians 5:17).
Start this year following His dreams and the future He has for you (Jeremiah 29:11). In fact, get drafted into His Army, into His Kingdom.
God Bless!
Happy New Year!

New Suits

Author, my mom, little brother (back), brother Ruben