Growing up I think most of us went through the same things: wanting to look older when we were young, and trying to look young as we aged. Decades ago, I read from a newspaper columnist a reply to a concerned reader, a young girl, about her age. The reply was something like: Don’t be afraid to say you’re 14, you’ll be 21 for many years to come…. We’re concerned with our looks-which is normal, however, some people are obsessed with it. I remember hearing comedian Phyllis Diller saying something like: This afternoon I noticed my panty-hose had fallen and wrinkled around my ankles-then I remembered I wasn’t wearing any! Yep, most of us want to look “Forever Young.” Don’t think creams and ointments are going to change anything in your appearance! Yes, they’ll help, but aging is inevitable! Things can help us look young, but no one has dibs on staying young. I recently sent my cousin a picture of one of our past Christmas dinners and she wrote back “Was that at your house, we all looked soooo young!” I replied, “Yes it was, we look so young because we were young!” The picture was from Christmas 2000.
We can see a TV character and instantly recognize how they’ve changed from a few years before. Change, transformation, aging, whatever we want to call it, will happen to all of us. The fountain of youth dried up in the Garden of Eden. It did so when sin was introduced through disobedience to God’s Word, to His commands.
Wouldn’t you like to retain your good looks? Wouldn’t it be great to keep all your teeth, all your hair-in the right places, all your smooth, young-looking skin? Wouldn’t it be great to feel no pain? Imagine being 648 years old and being able to see things in the distance just as well as when you were 12? Imagine your skin being wrinkle-free at age 18,000,962, and being able to remember everything you learned? Imagine recognizing everyone you know?? But WAIT!!! If this offer sounds too good to be true….it isn’t!! That’s right!! Not only is this all possible but that’s just the tip of the (soon-melting) iceberg! Render your life to Jesus NOW, serve Him, and He will grant you ETERNAL Life!! You don’t have to wait until you “kick the bucket,” to “pass on”, or to “drop dead” to begin your free subscription to everlasting life! You’ll start now and if you die before He returns, you’ll flow right into it from the moment you breathe your last breath on earth. He is the Fountain of Life. He’s not available in cream, ointment, or even pills, but you can drink His Living Water and you can eat the Bread of Life. Just call His Name and tell Him to abide in your heart. Make room this Christmas in the inn of your life, invite Him in to the inn of your heart. That will be your best Christmas present ever!
Look me up at the gathering table in heaven. I’d like to hear your story.
Merry Christmas!!
God Bless!