Like a tornado that’s miles from touchdown, or an impending snow blizzard about to hit, or even the dark skies just before a volcano erupts, such darkness and gloom can overwhelm those around it. Such has been the spiritual condition of mankind for centuries since sin entered this world. Warnings from God through prophets and judges went ignored. Not even a universal flood which wiped out over a billion people could cause humanity to turn from its sins and bow before the God who made them.
Some two thousand years ago, the gloom of darkness continued to hover over the minds of men. Ritual-after-ritual would not take away the act of sinning. They sufficed for the moment. They appeased God’s requirements. But a spiritual hunger remained. A darkness loomed. A thirst for more of God lingered within the human soul.
In this darkness, God sent His Son to be born of a virgin-the only way to keep sin out of the picture. With the virgin-birth came Hope for the world. Jesus, AKA. Emmanuel, God with us, saw and knew the pain of darkness among men. The Prince of Peace was here. He came to change the lives of men at that very moment, and in the long run.
Years later, Jesus would proclaim, “If anyone is thirsty let him come to me….I am the bread of life…I am the light of the world…” These words He shared because only He could meet those needs in mankind. True Christmas is Christ come to the world to save its most precious inhabitants: you and me.
Merry Christmas!
God Bless!