
Most People associate love with the month of February, but real unconditional love comes in December. Christmas exudes Agape love. It’s perfect, pure, and sacrificial love. It expects nothing in return. Two centuries ago, love came down from heaven to live amongst us. God became man to redeem man. Love came wrapped in a blanket. It came in a baby’s cries. Love came in the most-humble of ways. Mary didn’t travel 80-100 miles in a luxurious limousine to a 5-star hotel suite. She traveled the distance by animal over rough terrain to a minus 5-star inn. Nazareth wasn’t a high-end place either. It was considered lowly, as in poverty, as in filth. It was looked down upon as a ghetto. Hence, Nathaniel said, “Can anything good come from Nazareth” (John 1:46). Humanity loves the high places. We love accolades. We love recognition, we like the pat on the back. We like entertaining to the point that we might get invited back. We give to get. We love working to get somewhere. We work to gain. There are plenty of exceptions, but in general, that’s us. That’s where Christianity distinguishes itself from all other religions. God made sure Jesus, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the richest-ever, laid it all down to be born in the most-humblest of places, a manger. He had the most-simplest accommodations, His birth was witnessed by the lowly: shepherds and animals, and had His arrival obscured versus headlined in the local papers(!).
True love, God’s love, doesn’t sound a trumpet for the things it does. True love flourishes in obscurity. It thrives amongst the most-needy, it honors God in obedience, it doesn’t seek its own, it sacrifices for the needs of others, it doesn’t grumble if its quarters are an inn-a smelly inn. True love is willing to die for others. As missionary leaders at our church in Brooklyn, N.Y. our pastor made it clear we were to donate to, or help those individuals/organizations that couldn’t in any way pay us back. God came wrapped in flesh. Walked humbly amongst His creation. He shared His love everywhere He went. He healed the sick, delivered the demonic-possessed, forgave sins, and did the ultimate: showed the world how much He loved them by willingly laying His life for us all. Christmas is the time of love. Whether you’re outside making snowballs, inside baking muffins, roasting lechon, wrapped in a blanket by the fireside watching the snow covering the earth, cooking for 1 or for for 100, or out in the Caribbean kayaking, wrap your arms around God and thank Him for Jesus. Wrap your love around those you meet. Lay your life at the tree like Christ did. See humanity the way the Godhead does: lost souls needing a Savior. Celebrate this Christmas with renewed hope, and perspective. God knows all your needs, hurts, and wants. He also wants you to understand that life is more than what we perceive or touch. Feel the needs and hurts of others and do your best to meet them. That’s true Christmas. Those are the finest gifts.
“Whoever shall confess that Jesus (Yeshua) is the Son of God, God dwells in him, and he in God. And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love; and he that dwells in love, dwells in God, and God in him” 1John 4:15, 16).
Merry Christmas!!

God Bless!


Christmas tree 2021


I remember as a small kid drinking Kool-Aid. I liked it but the biggest drawback was the ton of sugar needed to make it desirable. That was before they introduced the pre-sweetened type. One thing I enjoyed was when the juice was almost all gone, as I drank, the sugary water would slowly pour into my mouth as I held the cup bottoms-up for a while. One day I was excited to show my mom what was flowing into my mouth. When she saw it, she said, “Ah, next time as you’re almost done, shake it some. So, the next time as I was nearing the end of my juicy experience, I remembered her words and shook the cup. It swirled around and I held my cup, bottom up high, closed my eyes to enjoy that sugary rush, and nothing came out! I was disappointed! I showed mom and she said, “Good, that is what you wanted, right?” I said “NO!” “I wanted more sugar, not less!” Now I had to wait for the next time!
Sometimes shaking things up doesn’t give us what we’re expecting. Jesus came to shake things up. Before His time on earth, people were like that sugar at the bottom of my cup: clumped, dissatisfied with their lives, comfortable with knowing that their parents had once served God, but satisfied that they didn’t really need Him in theirs. During their lifetime, they grew tired and bored with “serving” God. “It is weariness,” they claimed ( Malachi 1:13).
But when Jesus came to earth, He was known as a radical. He took matters He stirred the people, He challenged them to live the law more than simply know the law. He took things even further. He often said, “You have heard…but I say…”(5:38).
Why? Because He wanted the people to know that it wasn’t about being religious like saying, “I’m a Lion’s fan because my father was one, my mom, my uncle…” He wanted them to act like a lion, become a lion. In other words, live the law. Live the Word, etc. This Christmas, do more than be religious. Live like Christ. Give of yourself like He did. He gave His life a ransom for us (Matthew 20:28). He was born to shake things up. He’s coming back and He will definitely shake things this time around. You’ll want to be on His side when that happens.
“Whose voice then shook the earth: but now has promised, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also the heavens: (Hebrews 12:26). For those on His side, life will be sweet.
Merry Christmas!
God Bless!

The Big Job truck from Christmas, 1964

A Blanket

Kids love playing in the snow! Mixing fresh snow with what’s already on the ground for good snowballs is not uncommon. So scenic it is to see a field completely blanketed in snow and maybe a small cabin in the distance flanked by a few withered-looking trees. There’s a peaceful-quiet resting upon the land. Silence hushes over the scene. Like a silent movie, kids can be seen moving about chasing, jumping, diving, throwing, etc. looking like silhouettes against a blinding backdrop of the white, powdery stuff.
Our lives are quite the opposite: noisy, sometimes loud, hectic, stressful, and for sure, filthy, blotched with the stain of sin. A stain that cannot be removed by any effort known to man. Not even Ivory Soap with 99 44/100% potency could get the job done. God, however, has known for all eternity that only one stain-remover is “Highly” recommended: Jesus’ shed blood. How can blood remove sin? you might ask. How can something red remove filth? His shed blood covered all of humanity’s sins. His sacrificial love for you wiped away your penalties. He’s made you clean & whole. Jesus says, “Come, let us reason together, though your sins be red as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be as crimson, they shall be white as wool” (Isaiah 1:18). Picture that scene again. God’s grace upon your life is like a field blanketed in fresh-dropped snow; virgin snow-not a footprint in. It’s ready for fun. It’s ready for new experiences. Dive in, leave your footprints. Bask in the stillness, lay on your back and feel those flurries falling on your face. Enjoy the peace that only The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) can give. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).
Make this Christmas not a Santa, reindeer, and elf-place, but a Heavenly Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit-¬¬place. As great as commercial Christmas is with all the colors and décor, the true meaning lies elsewhere: The birth of a Savior, Jesus, Emmanuel-God with us.

Merry Christmas!!

God Bless,


Old School

Growing up I think most of us went through the same things: wanting to look older when we were young, and trying to look young as we aged. Decades ago, I read from a newspaper columnist a reply to a concerned reader, a young girl, about her age. The reply was something like: Don’t be afraid to say you’re 14, you’ll be 21 for many years to come…. We’re concerned with our looks-which is normal, however, some people are obsessed with it. I remember hearing comedian Phyllis Diller saying something like: This afternoon I noticed my panty-hose had fallen and wrinkled around my ankles-then I remembered I wasn’t wearing any! Yep, most of us want to look “Forever Young.” Don’t think creams and ointments are going to change anything in your appearance! Yes, they’ll help, but aging is inevitable! Things can help us look young, but no one has dibs on staying young. I recently sent my cousin a picture of one of our past Christmas dinners and she wrote back “Was that at your house, we all looked soooo young!” I replied, “Yes it was, we look so young because we were young!” The picture was from Christmas 2000.
We can see a TV character and instantly recognize how they’ve changed from a few years before. Change, transformation, aging, whatever we want to call it, will happen to all of us. The fountain of youth dried up in the Garden of Eden. It did so when sin was introduced through disobedience to God’s Word, to His commands.
Wouldn’t you like to retain your good looks? Wouldn’t it be great to keep all your teeth, all your hair-in the right places, all your smooth, young-looking skin? Wouldn’t it be great to feel no pain? Imagine being 648 years old and being able to see things in the distance just as well as when you were 12? Imagine your skin being wrinkle-free at age 18,000,962, and being able to remember everything you learned? Imagine recognizing everyone you know?? But WAIT!!! If this offer sounds too good to be true….it isn’t!! That’s right!! Not only is this all possible but that’s just the tip of the (soon-melting) iceberg! Render your life to Jesus NOW, serve Him, and He will grant you ETERNAL Life!! You don’t have to wait until you “kick the bucket,” to “pass on”, or to “drop dead” to begin your free subscription to everlasting life! You’ll start now and if you die before He returns, you’ll flow right into it from the moment you breathe your last breath on earth. He is the Fountain of Life. He’s not available in cream, ointment, or even pills, but you can drink His Living Water and you can eat the Bread of Life. Just call His Name and tell Him to abide in your heart. Make room this Christmas in the inn of your life, invite Him in to the inn of your heart. That will be your best Christmas present ever!
Look me up at the gathering table in heaven. I’d like to hear your story.
Merry Christmas!!
God Bless!


It’s a nice song by Carroll King. Anticipation keeps us on the alert of things being waited on. As the saying goes, “A watched pot will not boil.” While we’re busy looking at the clock or waiting by the phone for a call or text to come, time seems to lag. My mom says that when I was 4, I asked early in the afternoon when Santa would come. She told me he’d come in _the night. But I didn’t quite understand that. She then said, “After you go to sleep.” So, it was a no-brainer for me, I put on my PJs and she asked what I was doing. I told her I was going to sleep! It was 4 pm!
Sometimes we want to speed things up. We want to expedite them; we want to rush them. Some things we need allow to happen at their pace. Take Thanksgiving Day. We actually have all day to thank God for His manifold blessings-and trials. If we’re in a rush, we can begin thanking Him beforehand-anytime we please. In fact, start now.
Christmas is around the corner and maybe you’re thinking of how it isn’t here yet. It will be here before you know it! Make sure your reasons for rushing it is for worshipping Him. The first thing the Magi did, was not give Him all the treasures they had brought. Most of us would have done that. We would have wanted to impress Joseph & Mary with the gold, incense, and myrrh. We would have said, “Ehh, what-da-y’all think??” “Nice, heh?” “We’ve brought them from hundreds of miles away…” But instead, they worshipped Jesus even though He was a baby that didn’t understand what was being said or what was going on. Worship is what the King deserves. Later on, we can share gifts and food, etc.
He’s in no rush, never has been. Galatians 4:4 & 5 tells us: “But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his son made of a woman, made under the law to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.” God is always patient.
He has all things under control. Our times are in His hands (Psalms 31:15). Relax, rest, & slow down. Now, hurry up and get yourself ready for the birthday of the soon-coming King of Kings and LORD of Lords!
God Bless,
Merry Christmas!

In Looming Darkness, A Light Shone

Like a tornado that’s miles from touchdown, or an impending snow blizzard about to hit, or even the dark skies just before a volcano erupts, such darkness and gloom can overwhelm those around it. Such has been the spiritual condition of mankind for centuries since sin entered this world. Warnings from God through prophets and judges went ignored. Not even a universal flood which wiped out over a billion people could cause humanity to turn from its sins and bow before the God who made them.
Some two thousand years ago, the gloom of darkness continued to hover over the minds of men. Ritual-after-ritual would not take away the act of sinning. They sufficed for the moment. They appeased God’s requirements. But a spiritual hunger remained. A darkness loomed. A thirst for more of God lingered within the human soul.
In this darkness, God sent His Son to be born of a virgin-the only way to keep sin out of the picture. With the virgin-birth came Hope for the world. Jesus, AKA. Emmanuel, God with us, saw and knew the pain of darkness among men. The Prince of Peace was here. He came to change the lives of men at that very moment, and in the long run.
Years later, Jesus would proclaim, “If anyone is thirsty let him come to me….I am the bread of life…I am the light of the world…” These words He shared because only He could meet those needs in mankind. True Christmas is Christ come to the world to save its most precious inhabitants: you and me.
Merry Christmas!
God Bless!