
As a teacher in New York, I remember having a few special assemblies where an invited company of artists and story tellers would come and performs plays and share stories through shadowboxes. They were very interesting. Who doesn’t like shadows?! As kids we used to play with them. We’d take a few steps and our shadow would be in front of us. Sometimes it was on our sides or behind us. Sometimes it was short and other times, tall.
There are people who like to imitate others-impersonators, and that’s good. Back in 1972 the guys on the block would enjoy watching and then talking about the TV show, The Kopycats. It was a show where actor/comedian Rich Little and others would impersonate characters of the day including presidents like Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Then, there are other people living under the shadows of others. By under the shadows, I mean they don’t seem to have a life of their own. They eat, drink, sleep, and imitate a particular person to the point that they’ve lost who they are. To the point that they have no life. They’re obsessed. They’re living under the shadow of someone else.
In life there have been great people willing to live in the shadows of someone greater because they’ve wanted the other person to succeed or to shine without them getting in their way. It is said that behind the great reformer, Martin Luther, there was his friend Phillip Melanchton who was somewhat the opposite of what Luther was like. While Luther was ‘On the go” always energetic and outspoken, Melanchton helped him by tempering his energetic ways. That’s commendable, wanting to stay out of the spotlight.
Bette Midler’s song, Wind Beneath My Wings says,
“It must have been cold there in my shadow To never have sunlight on your face You were content to let me shine…”
It points out how a behind-the-scenes person is content to empower someone else while simultaneously staying in the dark. Yet there are others wanting the spotlight, to the point they stop thinking for themselves.
In life there are shadows that follow us! They don’t walk through our front doors and take a seat. Instead, they are shadows of troubles, of pain, of gossip, of injuries, of hurt, of guilt, etc. David Crowder Band sings (Shadows featuring Lecrae) of “When shadows fall on us, We will not fear, We will remember the cost (of the cross),” and will rest in its shadows. He shares how God will bring dark into light. There’s no need to fear shadows if we understand the cost of the cross and the purpose behind the sacrifice.
In the book The Shadow of the Almighty, Elizabeth Elliot, wife of one of five young missionaries, Jim Elliot, shares the experiences they encountered on their mission trip among the Auca Indians of Ecuador in the mid-1950s. From initial contact to being brutally murdered, she shares how their lives were hid under the shadow of Almighty God. Despite the shadows, God had a purpose in this (apparent) tragedy. It’s a must-read book or must-see movie (End of the Spear).
Since life casts all types of shadows on us we need to remember a larger one was cast upon Christ as probably the entire host of hell was upon Him making sure He died millions of times over, so He would never be an issue to them again. Though He died for tens of billions of people, he died only once: “But this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God” (Hebrews 10:12). Though it cost Him His life, we can be confident He will remove all shadows haunting us, and only His Light will be present in the age to come.
If you’re living under someone’s shadows by pretending to be that person, come out! God has endowed you with sufficient gifts and abilities to stand on your own. If you’re working behind the scenes, not wanting that person’s glory, great! God will recompense you in due time. However, if you’re fearing shadows of turmoil, failure, lack of confidence, hide under His Wings (Psalm 17:8). Cast your fears upon Him, run into His arms like a child runs to a loved one. He will catch you and will hug those fears away. To be under His Shadows is to be safe within His arms. Do not live under someone else’s shadows. Live under His Shadow. “He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1).
God Bless!