The Call

Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel!
Samuel was called several times but he didn’t hear the voice of the one calling him. Samuel, it turns out, had earplugs and was busy playing a computer game. This happened on my recent vacation as I called my grandson.
In contrast, Samuel in the Bible heard his name called the first time it was uttered, only, he didn’t know who was calling. He thought it was Eli the priest asleep in the next room. Once he understood it was God’s voice he was hearing, he responded with, “Speak LORD, for your servant is listening.” At an early age Samuel learned to discern God’s voice from that of others.
Now, you and I may not audibly hear God’s voice, but He’s nonetheless calling us each day. God will not cease to call us out until the very end of our lives or until the very moment He returns to take us home. The question is, are we listening? We’re told in Isaiah 65:2 “All day long have I stretched out my hands to a rebellious people.” He’s there waiting for us.
Which Samuel are you like? The first one, too busy and engrossed in your affairs to hear God’s voice-unable to discern it? Or, the second Samuel who heard it the first time but because he was a child not yet exposed to the knowledge that there was a God who speaks to men, ran instead to the priest?
Will you say, “Here am I.” “Speak LORD, your servant is listening” (1Samuel 3:4,9), or will you ignore the buzz in your ears and the pull in your heart? God is waiting.
Please listen to Hear My Voice by Lisa Bevill (YouTube). He’s calling you!
God Bless!