Rained Out

Back in 1969 my parents began taking us kids to Canarsie Park. It wasn’t much of a park but more of an abandoned section of one. It had short, but wavy roads. Any car passing through it would look like those Lowrider cars used in California that sink in on one side and then on another. We would go there to ride my mini-bike. It began with just my parents, an older brother, and my youngest brother. Soon, we were taking the guys on the block: Gil, Angel, Edgar, Georgie, Chicky, and Aaron. We’d have a great time riding around for hours. We’d ride through the curves around a baseball field, through the bumps, and through the side streets (alleys). There were tall grass stalks everywhere. This one time, I had Chicky on the back and as we went around the curves, we skid. I looked back to see him, but he wasn’t there! He had landed in front of me! My first question was, “Is the bike OK?” We both laughed because he would have asked the same thing, were the bike his. We always had lots of fun. My parents would take snacks, refreshment, and food.
There was this one day, probably a Saturday where my parents had roasted some chicken and cooked a huge pot of “arroz con gandules” (Yellow rice with pigeon peas) which is a typical Puerto Rican staple. But it was pouring! I looked out my parents’ window and to the left and below, saw Gil looking out his window. I then scanned to my left and across to the last building where Edgar, Georgie, & Chicky were at their window. We’d poke our heads out hoping the rain would stop and the sun would shine, but to no avail. We were rained out. The guys could probably smell the food and only dream of all they knew they wouldn’t get to taste! Sadly, the feast was spoiled! We know we can’t go back in time, but I look forward to a better feast (The Marriage Supper of the Lamb-Revelation 19:9). Friends and family members from all over the world will be present. What the menu looks like, no one really knows. There might be Manna-Angels’ food (Psalms78:25), might have chicken, sirloin steaks, cheeseburgers, who knows? Several things we do know: No darkness! No wickedness, No worries! No more sickness and no more death! No rain on our parade! No shortage of goods, No shortage of God’s love! True fellowship to last throughout eternity! The Godhead will be present! Trillions of testimonies or stories to be shared! Trillions upon trillions of angels will be present! All mysteries will be revealed! You’ll know what happened to that ham & cheese sandwich you swore you left at the back of the fridge so no one would find it! Someone will finally know it was YOU who took their chocolate fudge cake that rainy night!!! YIKES!! ‘Fess up NOW, buddy!! You will know everyone and everyone will know you! We’ll be able to communicate with everyone else! It will be the beginning of the end! We’ll be in eternity! We’ll have new bodies unlike anything we’ve ever imagined! We’ll enjoy God’s banquet for all “Eternity;” since TIME will cease to exist!
God Bless!
