Heart of Gold

Back in the early 70s I remember those slow and sometimes rainy days where the mood called for slow songs. Sometimes I’d listen to Ventura Highways by the Eagles, Long Cool Woman in A Black Dress (The Hollies), or similar-type songs. One line the song, Heart of Gold by Neil Young, went: “That keep me searching for a heart of gold and I’m getting old.”
It was the type of song for relaxing while contemplating one’s life. Many of us are on constant searches. From jobs to homes, to financial freedom, to gold. Like the above song says, “I’ve been a miner for a heart of gold,” some people are searching for their true love, preferably, wrapped with a heart of gold. Back in the 7th grade, I discovered a poem that went in part, “Your heart is like a pot of gold, so hard to get, harder to hold. I once had a heart and it was true, but now it is gone from me to you. Take care of it as I have done, ‘cause you have two and I have none.”
Whether you’re searching for a heart of gold, or have been humming It’s a heartache “…nothing but a heartache” (Bonnie Taylor), God knows your heart. He knows every detail of what’s going on inside you. He has promised to remove the stony heart and replace it with a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26-28). He shares: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, with lovingkindness have I drawn you” (Jeremiah 31:3).
Unlike the song Heart of Gold, you don’t have to get old waiting for God’s new heart. There’s no waiting list. No proof needed of having a broken heart, or that you’ve been searching for X amount of years. It’s yours for the asking. Best of all? Your searching is over! Call Now! Angels are standing by waiting to rejoice with you (Luke 15:10)! Call 1-700-HIS-LOVE
God Bless!