Burning Love

He was the all the rage during the 50s and throughout the early 70s. Elvis Presley had great hits. His early years had him singing church hymns as well as Country and Blues songs. I liked The Wonders of You and Suspicious Minds.
Unfortunately, most every singer who began singing for the Lord, ended up singing for the world. The lure of the world is a mighty strong one. Its riches and popularity are enticing. It’s why Satan used them on Jesus, but he didn’t fall for them like Adam & Eve did and just about every other human since. To follow Jesus and to remain true to Him, takes the strength, guidance, and indwelling/in-filling of the Holy Spirit within us.
Another favorite of Elvis’ songs is Burning Love. See some of its lyrics: “Lord Almighty Feel my temperature rising, Higher, higher it’s burning through to my soul.” It’s a great song and I remember watching a movie with our girls years ago. At the end of the movie, this song played, and as was customary, our girls and my wife would break out in dances. They’d do wacky moves, from spins to bends, to everything they could think of that would produce a great time and a great ending to an enjoyable movie. While the song is great, I can’t help be reminded of another meaning to the words “burning love.”
God really loves us all. We, however don’t all love Him likewise in return. We love ourselves more than love Him. We want Him to endorse all our ways-good and bad. His great love for us cost His Son, Jesus, His life. Because we haven’t heeded His everyday warnings, He has little recourse left but to punish us.
If we grab our expedition gear and dash into our spacecrafts and head to the not-too-distant future, we shall behold a very sad and solemn unfolding picture waiting to happen. The book of Acts tells us in chapter 17, verse 31, “For God has appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness…”
His burning love will be different from that of the song in the sense that He will destroy all we have and know. “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up” (2Peter 3:10). Mankind will continue to push God away and to implement its sinful ways until the day it will be too late to take any of it back. Personally, I prefer the lyrics of The Wonders of You: “When no one else can understand me…you give me hope and consolation…..I guess I’ll never know the reason why you love me as you do…” You have my permission to listen to the song. God can speak to us through just about anything. “Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD…his compassions are new every morning” (Lamentations 3:40,23).
God Bless,

Rained Out

Back in 1969 my parents began taking us kids to Canarsie Park. It wasn’t much of a park but more of an abandoned section of one. It had short, but wavy roads. Any car passing through it would look like those Lowrider cars used in California that sink in on one side and then on another. We would go there to ride my mini-bike. It began with just my parents, an older brother, and my youngest brother. Soon, we were taking the guys on the block: Gil, Angel, Edgar, Georgie, Chicky, and Aaron. We’d have a great time riding around for hours. We’d ride through the curves around a baseball field, through the bumps, and through the side streets (alleys). There were tall grass stalks everywhere. This one time, I had Chicky on the back and as we went around the curves, we skid. I looked back to see him, but he wasn’t there! He had landed in front of me! My first question was, “Is the bike OK?” We both laughed because he would have asked the same thing, were the bike his. We always had lots of fun. My parents would take snacks, refreshment, and food.
There was this one day, probably a Saturday where my parents had roasted some chicken and cooked a huge pot of “arroz con gandules” (Yellow rice with pigeon peas) which is a typical Puerto Rican staple. But it was pouring! I looked out my parents’ window and to the left and below, saw Gil looking out his window. I then scanned to my left and across to the last building where Edgar, Georgie, & Chicky were at their window. We’d poke our heads out hoping the rain would stop and the sun would shine, but to no avail. We were rained out. The guys could probably smell the food and only dream of all they knew they wouldn’t get to taste! Sadly, the feast was spoiled! We know we can’t go back in time, but I look forward to a better feast (The Marriage Supper of the Lamb-Revelation 19:9). Friends and family members from all over the world will be present. What the menu looks like, no one really knows. There might be Manna-Angels’ food (Psalms78:25), might have chicken, sirloin steaks, cheeseburgers, who knows? Several things we do know: No darkness! No wickedness, No worries! No more sickness and no more death! No rain on our parade! No shortage of goods, No shortage of God’s love! True fellowship to last throughout eternity! The Godhead will be present! Trillions of testimonies or stories to be shared! Trillions upon trillions of angels will be present! All mysteries will be revealed! You’ll know what happened to that ham & cheese sandwich you swore you left at the back of the fridge so no one would find it! Someone will finally know it was YOU who took their chocolate fudge cake that rainy night!!! YIKES!! ‘Fess up NOW, buddy!! You will know everyone and everyone will know you! We’ll be able to communicate with everyone else! It will be the beginning of the end! We’ll be in eternity! We’ll have new bodies unlike anything we’ve ever imagined! We’ll enjoy God’s banquet for all “Eternity;” since TIME will cease to exist!
God Bless!


The Last Straw!

Oh, what a mess it was! “Bullets” flying everywhere. Three whizzed by Johnny’s head. The kitchen floor was dripping in ‘’blood” as the ketchup bottle tipped staining the recently-mopped surface. As he shot back, Nellie ducked narrowly escaping a sure-shot to her head. Pedro rolled on the hardwood floors into the living room and fired at Johnny from behind the couch hitting him in the chest. Johnny wiped the spitball off his shirt.
“This is serious!” he said, then decided that was the last straw! He threw away his straw and replaced it with the most powerful one in his possession: A large-diameter Red Straw! He reached into his pouch and checked his supply of ammunition. When Nellie and Pedro saw “Big Red” poking out from behind the side chair, they knew they were in danger of annihilation.
YIKES!! After 15 minutes of an all-out war, it was time to surrender. Nellie popped up with 3 spitballs on her forehead, several in her hair, and Pedro’s chest was riddled with twice as many. Johnny was the undisputed spitball slinger! He raised “Big Red” and blew a fake puff of smoke into its “barrel,” spun it around a few times and placed it in his holster (pants pocket) just as he had seen it done in a tv classic western movie.
In that movie, bullets were flying everywhere too. Five shooters, all bank robbers were firing away at Paco and his buddy Black Tooth (known for having one black tooth among several yellow/greenish teeth). In a last-minute double-cross, the pair decided to keep the loot for themselves. Now scrambling with their hides for a clean getaway, Paco was nearly hit, surviving when Black Tooth jumped in front of him taking a bullet to his chest. Both men miraculously survived and escaped under the shadows of darkness. With loot in hand, they sought to live a “New Life” in another town with new identities.
Oftentimes seen on the screen, someone’s life is spared by another man’s selfless heroics.
Multiple centuries ago, humanity was in an all-encompassing shoot-out. Men and women sought cover behind trees (Genesis 3:8), rocks, structures, etc. hiding from the presence of God as well as from their pasts. They erected temples and formed religions to try to appease Him through their ways, to no avail. In the midst of their “shoot-out,” as the enemy annihilated millions and billions of people, God stepped in. Satan has fired his fiery darts (Ephesians 6:16) into the hearts of men deceiving many. His goal is to kill, to steal, and to destroy all of mankind (John 10:10a). As the Deceiver, he has tricked many followers into believing that they can serve him and that he’s on their side. They falsely believe he’s their leader. But he’s a liar, and the father of lies (John 8:44).
Jesus dove right in front of those “bullets” known as sin, and took them for us. No, He didn’t die from a gunshot wound, but went to the cross instead. He shed His blood, unmarked by sin because he was born from above (the virgin birth was needed to keep sin out of the lineage). That’s why He was 100% man and 100% God. Jesus stepped right in front of sin’s power and destroyed its effect upon humanity to return us to that rightful relationship we once shared with God in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8).
But like those western flicks, If the saved man doesn’t acknowledge who saved his life and doesn’t change his ways, he’ll continue dodging bullets until the day he dies. Are your days of sowing wild oats over? Are you through dodging bullets? Tired of carrying your loot of sin and escaping through the veils of darkness? Are you ready to look into the eyes of the Man who saved you? Are you ready to start living the new life? God can change your identity. You’ll be unidentifiable by others. Can God relate to your lifestyle? Yes, He can. He will tend your wounds, heal your heart, and make you a new person (Luke 10:25-37).
Were Jesus in one of those Westerns, His tombstone would read: “Greater love has no man than this, that someone would lay his life for his friend” (John 15:13). “No one takes it from me, I lay it down of my own accord” (John 10:18).
God Bless,

Traveling Light

I recently told my daughter we would be visiting her in the near future. She told me to make sure not to bring too much clothing. “You can wash your stuff every few days and reuse it–save space,” she said. I agreed. As we began packing our luggage, we made sure the energy bars went in. We need that energy to function! In went oatmeal cookies too, which along with the fiber in the bars, help you “to go.” Definitely, my wheat germ will be needed to really keep things “flowing,” if you know what I mean! On the other hand, to control things, we packed boxes of Pepto Bismol tablets. Can’t forget my Fiber Force vitamins or the Acidophilus! Not to mention variants of milk digestion pills.
“Almost done,” I thought, but then we remembered Ben-Gay for those aching muscles (just carrying the luggage would be enough), and Vick’s for better sleeping. Afterall, who can’t use luxurious dreams on an island laced with the smell of Eucalyptus plants at your senses that seem so real you’d think you were there? What about my ankle brace or the shin brace in case of pain? So, I threw those in.
Then my wife said, “Now hold your horses, fella” where’s my asthma meds, my Nebulizer, my nasal pump, my high-blood pressure pump, my heart meds?” Where’s the allergy bottle? What about our back-support belts? Huh?? Do we need an arm sling, a neck brace? Gee, thank God we don’t need snoring devices or sleeping masks! Breathing masks for the public seems enough. “Have your shoes?” I asked. “Snooze?” she said. “No, shoes.” Hmm, I wondered, do we need hearing aids too? “Oh, yeah,” she said. Got to add some sneakers, slippers, caps, and sweaters. Can’t forget toys and clothing for the grandkids. “Are we set? Are we covered?!” my wife asked. Hmm, does she mean with Depends? I thought. I think our daughter will have nothing to worry about-we won’t have a lot of clothing! “For sure,” I said. “For sure,” said my wife.
God is very smart when it comes to packing and traveling! Were He to tell us the day and time of His arrival to take us home via the rapture of the saints, we’d spend our lifetime accumulating and packing “essentials” for our journey. We would be updating certain items to reflect the times or our tastes. Instead, we’ll be called home unannounced.
A lady once wrote Ann Landers about that. She wanted to request back from her ex-daughter in-law gifted items such as jewelry and fine china. She wanted to know which would have more value in heaven…She was reminded of Timothy’s words: “For we brought nothing into this world and we can take nothing out of it” (1Timothy 6:8). No, you can’t attach a U-Haul to a hearse, not even a fanny-pack to your waist. None of the things we packed will be needed in heaven! Not only will God provide free one-way transportation, but He’ll also provide clothing, lodging, food, and entertainment! So, how will we know when He returns? We’ll need to be ever-ready watching the signs of the times (Matthew 16:3). We also need to “Watch and pray” (Mark 13:33). I’m ready to enjoy my upcoming vacation! Let me just pack my laptop, my camera, my telescope, the camping gear…
God Bless!

Heart of Gold

Back in the early 70s I remember those slow and sometimes rainy days where the mood called for slow songs. Sometimes I’d listen to Ventura Highways by the Eagles, Long Cool Woman in A Black Dress (The Hollies), or similar-type songs. One line the song, Heart of Gold by Neil Young, went: “That keep me searching for a heart of gold and I’m getting old.”
It was the type of song for relaxing while contemplating one’s life. Many of us are on constant searches. From jobs to homes, to financial freedom, to gold. Like the above song says, “I’ve been a miner for a heart of gold,” some people are searching for their true love, preferably, wrapped with a heart of gold. Back in the 7th grade, I discovered a poem that went in part, “Your heart is like a pot of gold, so hard to get, harder to hold. I once had a heart and it was true, but now it is gone from me to you. Take care of it as I have done, ‘cause you have two and I have none.”
Whether you’re searching for a heart of gold, or have been humming It’s a heartache “…nothing but a heartache” (Bonnie Taylor), God knows your heart. He knows every detail of what’s going on inside you. He has promised to remove the stony heart and replace it with a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26-28). He shares: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, with lovingkindness have I drawn you” (Jeremiah 31:3).
Unlike the song Heart of Gold, you don’t have to get old waiting for God’s new heart. There’s no waiting list. No proof needed of having a broken heart, or that you’ve been searching for X amount of years. It’s yours for the asking. Best of all? Your searching is over! Call Now! Angels are standing by waiting to rejoice with you (Luke 15:10)! Call 1-700-HIS-LOVE
God Bless!

Turning 40

Way back in Noah’s day, it rained for 40 days straight. The bootmaker made lots of money.
Centuries later, Moses fled Egypt at the age of 40 and dwelt in the land of Midian as a shepherd pastoring sheep for another 40 years. There, he learned to listen to God’s voice. He was then called to lead God’s people out of Egypt and together they roamed the wilderness for another 40 years. No need for a shoemaker this time since God made their shoes to last them that long! (Deuteronomy 8:4)). It was there that Moses learned to become a follower.
Several centuries later, Jesus came on the scene. He fasted 40 days and was tempted by Satan throughout that time.
Even more centuries later, I met a beautiful, smart, and responsible girl. We married. This week we celebrate 40 years of marriage! No, I didn’t say she’s starved me 40 days or that I’ve put her through a wilderness experience for 40 years! But I will say we’ve had our ups and downs like most couples do. With our leaky roof, we’ve had our share of floods. Many sunless days laced with trials and pain we’ve felt the sting of the desert as we’ve navigated through our God-made wilderness. We learned to brush away our self-dependence and become followers, dependent upon Jesus. With little on the table in our early years, we’ve felt like we fasted for 40 days living off manna and were tempted by the enemy. The bottom line is that God has been with us throughout our time together.
From humble beginnings to a humble end, God is the foundation of our marriage. The Holy Spirit is the rain that floods us. Our character has been forged in the wilderness of life. It takes lifelong trials and experiences to bring you out of it and into the clearing. That’s where real dreams come true. Dreams are made as we live them. They’re not wispy thoughts carried about in clouds. Marriage works when we work at it. It prospers when we make God the center of it all.
We’re looking forward to the next 40…
God Bless!
Sam & Viv

Honeymooning In Canada, June, 1981
40 Years Later! June, 2021

Not A Dry Eye in All the Land

      Let’s journey back between 8,000 to 15,000 years!  Bring your archeological gear! Bring a compass, magnifying glass, binoculars, boots, hat, and a huge ham & cheese sandwich.  You might want to bring one for yourself too!
   So, getting out of the time machine we’re feeling a bit cramped, but that’s ok. Tuning in to what folks listened to during this period in time, I noticed right away several individuals carrying their solar-powered or hand-cranked transistor radios.  I hear someone playing Here Comes the Sun (George Harrison).  Over in the distance the mountains are echoing Good Morning Starshine (Oliver).  Some other songs blasting in the distance are Sunshine Superman (Donovan) by an ecstatic listener, while a somewhat depressed man strums Ain’t No Sunshine (Bill Withers) on his Fender guitar.  All in all, these people seem obsessed with sunshine songs. I notice a woman swaying to John Denver’s Sunshine on My Shoulders as she hangs her laundry on the clothesline.  Suddenly, though, she swears a raindrop just tapped her, not from below, but from the skies!  Surrounding men laugh at her saying she’s sniffed too much detergent to know what’s going on!  Meanwhile, they break into a 5-part harmony and sing B.J. Thomas' Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head-doo-do-wop, doo-do-wop as they snap their fingers away laughing at the detergent joke.  Others, join in with Yeah, Yeah, Yeah (the Beatles).  What a blast they were having!
   Suddenly, someone picks up a classic guitar and strums up I Wanna Go Outside (In the Rain) by the Dramatics.  Obviously, the sunshine mood, as well as the climate is changing. As the days go on, more and more the sunshine songs are getting replaced by songs about rain. 
As we journey across the land, someone’s singing, It’s A Rainy Night in Georgia..."and it feels like it’s raining all over the world…” The message is finally sinking in.  After 30 days of drips, drops, and deluge, people are finally seeking shelter. The song at the number one position is now, Credence Clearwater’s, original Have You Ever Seen the Rain…“coming down on a sunny day?” Suddenly, people are loving the lyrics … “Long as I remember…”
Some, have caught on to the fact that all this rain is a result of what Noah has been telling them for over a hundred years: A flood is coming from above.  But, as tends to be the case, people have been laughing at him and mocking him and his kids for just as long.  I mean, who’s ever seen a huge boat, let alone one built on dry land where nothing but sunshine pierces the skies for centuries?  They believe the man is a nutcase. Well, their number one hit is about to be replaced across the country and across the globe by a more factual incident.  The new hit is now: Who’ll Stop the Rain (Credence Clearwater). As people clutch their radios and boom boxes, they can relate to the lines, “Still the rain kept pouring, falling on my ears, And I wonder, still I wonder, who’ll stop the rain?”
   Not only was that the last number 1 hit, it was the last song with lyrics ever played.  You see, the fountains of the deep were broken (the irrigation system God had set up to water the earth).  Up gushed millions of gallons of water throughout the land.  According to some Creationists, the water canopy God had built around the planet to keep man from noticing and worshipping the stars and heavenly hosts, burst sending billions of gallons of water everywhere around the world.  As people continued to mock and ridicule Noah, volcanoes erupted spewing new-water upon the land. 
     Soon there were but a few people left upon the planet. Down they went, drowning in their own beliefs-in their own disbeliefs that a “Loving God” could do such a thing.  Yet, the ark was there-all million square feet of it.  It was empty of human life, but for the 8 people inside.  In the backdrop, Wipeout (Surfaris) softly played as there was no one left to turn off the radio….because not a dry tear was left in all the land.
Just as it was back then, God has been warning us of His return. Not for 100 years or 105, or 120 years, but for thousands and thousands of years, (over 2000 years just since Jesus’ death).  Yet, the Bible says in 2Peter 3:5: “This they willfully ignore…”
   At 15, I asked my mom if there would be another flood.  “No” she said. “That’s why we have a rainbow in the sky, as His promise that it won’t happen again.” I was glad to hear that!  “Next time, she said, the earth will be destroyed by fire.” “What?  Why?!” I asked. She told me that mankind was so evil, that God determined that would be the best punishment.                                                                                                                                                                                     “But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgement and perdition of ungodly men”(2Peter 3:7).  
I guess it’s time to pack our gear and go back to our world and revisit God’s Word.  That brings to mind James Taylor’s song, Fire and Rain. Visiting the past can be scary, but it can also help us see where we’re headed.
“For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away” (Matthew 24:38,39).
God Bless,