Special Moms

Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband does safely trust in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life” (Proverbs 31:11).
King Solomon paints for us a picture of what a God-given and God-honoring woman looks like. Read the rest of the chapter to grasp just how special this type of woman is. I have a wife fitting those descriptions. God has equipped men and women with certain gifts and capabilities meant to enhance a marriage and to thrust it forward to where He wants us to be at. However, such a woman isn’t to be seen as a threat but rather as a compliment to the relationship.
Truth be told, few men can compare to what she can do, and some men, including God-fearing ones, don’t believe in her abilities. Many have a small vision of what such-type woman should be doing for her husband. Some, think women only belong in the house and that their gifts are just a waste of time because they will not allow them (the women) to fulfill their call. Granted, it isn’t easy, but there have been plenty of times when my wife’s intuition, knowledge, and skills have been “on target” whereas, I’ve been clueless. Whoever said that behind every great man, there’s a special woman, is correct.
Here’s a shout-out to all the women fitting God’s description of a “lady after God’s heart.” Thanks for honoring God with your lives. Thanks for tuning in to His ways, His mind, His direction and in the process, complimenting your spouse. To you, as well as to my wife, here’s wishing you A Happy Mother’s Day!
You are extremely special!
God Bless,