
Ever gotten lost? In general, my wife and I are quite opposites to other couples when it comes to a few things. When I’m driving, I’m the one who prefers to stop and ask for directions while my wife just wants to continue going in circles until we ‘figure it out.’ At least, we’ll know for the next time, she’ll say. I guess that means we’ll get lost again!
And in respect to getting lost, that’s me again! But, getting lost isn’t limited only to driving. My ‘skills’ really shine when watching movies! My wife says I turn a 2-hour movie into 3 hours…maybe she’s being nice! Years ago, we used to have our “Blockbuster Nights’ on Fridays. The kids would tell me nice things such as, “Now don’t get lost, Papi!” and, “No more questions!” But of course, I was helpless. The “nice” things would eventually include, “Don’t let Papi get a hold of the remote!” I remember one time as being the best! The kids slipped the VHS tape into the player and proceeded to warn me. The lights went out, everyone was quiet amidst a few giggles, they held their breaths, and after feeling secured and just before pressing the Play button, I said, “Wait!!!” Our youngest turned around laughing uncontrollably! and said, “Bendito, Papi, the movie hasn’t even started and you’re already lost??!!” I just had a question!! I miss those good times…I’m sure my wife does too, since there’s no one but her to answer me or put me back on track!
Getting lost is a reality to lots of us. Amongst the worst is getting some place early only to learn that we’ve arrived at the wrong place and then scramble out only to arrive late at the right place anyway, ugh!
I’m sure you’ve seen the signs, “Don’t follow me, I’m lost.” Makes sense. God wants us on the right paths. He understands getting lost. He even understands being lost. The former refers to an accident or mistake, or somewhat intentional (to make corrections for future attempts). However, the latter refers to a state or condition. Knowing that humanity was lost as result of sin during the fall of man, God made a Way to put us back on track. Like viewing a maze from a helicopter, God knows where in a maze we are. He knows which paths we’re taking. He knows which will lead us to dead ends as well as which will lead us out.
Even before the fall of man, God had made a way for all of us. He sent His Son Jesus to show us the Way. Jesus is The Way. He’s the Way to the Father (John 14:6). He’s the Way to eternal life. He’s the Way to forgiveness. Jesus can detour you. He can change your life’s course and place you on the road to His heart. He can place you on the path to His house. He will direct you to streets of gold via His GPS (God’s Perfect Spirit).
Whether you get lost on trains, buses, driving, or in movies or following a story, God is the best there is in the realm of Lost and Found. Stop. Take a Right. Ask God for directions. Get on track. The Holy Spirit is your remote; He will guide your steps.
God Bless!