Until Proven Innocent

We all generally know from watching movies that someone blamed for a crime or an act of violence is innocent until proven guilty. We tend to want and demand justice. We decry vindication. We want our day in court. When we see justice served, we agree, we applaud, we rejoice. But sometimes, justice isn’t what’s needed. What if the tables were turned? What if we’re guilty until proven innocent? Today, we celebrate what many allude to as Good Friday, though lots of evidence proves it should really be Good Wednesday-but that’ll get discussed another day.
As a little kid growing up, I wondered why my mom would tell us, “Today you can’t make any noise, say any bad words, can’t yell, can’t hammer, etc.” Then I learned it had to do with Jesus’ sufferings on the cross. From as far back as our ancestors go, Adam & Eve, we are all guilty of sin. We’re born into sin. We have no choice. Regardless of what we do, sin is always present. Nothing we do can change that. Only One Person changed our destiny: Jesus. God became man to pay the price for our sins. It was a price no human could pay. He reconciled us to God. People often get sidetracked shifting their focus to unimportant matters such as whether the Jews or Romans got Jesus crucified. The answer is both, and neither. While both groups were involved, neither was needed to accomplish His crucifixion. It was His love for us that held him to the cross. It wasn’t the nails fastening Him to that tree, but His commitment to reconnect us with the Father that spiked Him there until His death.
We have all been guilty of His death. Though unborn at the time, we had a part in it. Our sins took Him there. But you don’t have to carry your burden of guilt! You don’t need to live in chains of depression. Many people today want to end their lives because they’re caught in a cycle of guilt, pain, or remorse. You don’t need to kick yourself for the things you can’t help or control. Your freedom from sin is as close as a breath away. It’s as close as arriving today. In fact, it’s as close as happening right now.
This very instant whether you’re sitting down, happen to be on your knees, or are flat-out on your face, you can cry out to God in sincerity.

1.Tell Him you’re sorry for your sins. Don’t justify yourself.

2. Ask for His forgiveness.

3. Ask Him to remove your sins.

4. Ask Him to come into your heart and take up residence.
Jesus will do just that. He will remove your sins as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). He will cast them into the sea of forgetfulness (Micah 7:19). That means He will not remember them anymore-and neither should you. He will write your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Rev.3:5 and 21:27). You will have eternal life! When you leave this earth, you’ll go to heaven and will meet Him!
You will no longer be under the yoke of sin. You’ll be free! You’ll be proven innocent in God’s court of law due to the blood Jesus shed when crucified at Calvary for your sins.
TAP, TAP, TAP! (Gavel coming down) Verdict: Innocent! Outstanding sin-debt=PAID IN FULL! Conclusion: Free of Sin!

God Bless!
