Priced Beyond Worth

Humanity sins daily as well as in every waking moment.  You may have cleansed yourself from your old ways.  You may have cut ties with enticing love-things that choke your breath; relationships or habits that drain your life.  You may have even committed your life to God, or may have recommitted yourself to His ways, only to end up back in a pit.  All in all, “We gotta get right back to where we started from” (Maxine Nightingale).

Regardless of how many times we may fall in the mire, God is standing nearby with a towel in hand willing to wipe us off and cleanse us with His love.  You see, His blood shed at Calvary, has washed you clean.  He’ll extend His hand to help you out of the pit, but you’ve got to reach out and grab it.  See, God’s love isn’t based on chocolates, sexy outfits or even red hearts.  His love is based on His sweetness.  It’s based on what’s in His heart for you: to return you wholly and holy to His Father.  His love, like His heart, cannot be found at a local store.  No one can price a life.  It’s priceless.  No one can put a price on your worth.  You’re beyond worth.  You’re beyond any number or figure that someone at an auction can spit out for your soul.  His love is unconditional, meaning that nothing you do whether good or bad will change how He feels about you.  His love for you is based on His desire to love you and to welcome you into His family.  Of course, we can choose not to accept Him.  We can choose not to reciprocate His love.  We can wash our hands and scoff at the thought that He loves us.  He’ll continue loving you; but you will reap the consequence of that choice.  “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:33).

 A belated

Happy Valentine’s Day!