Dis-possessed, Disarmed, Dethroned, Dismissed

Ever done something good, maybe even really good, and thought others would be proud of you?  Surely, someone’s bound to pat you on the back, right? I mean, after all the sweat and hustle, how can they not appreciate your hard work?

Let’s visit Jesus on His journey near the Sea of Galilee with His disciples to the country of Gergesenes.  They got off the boat and something caught Jesus’ attention.  From afar off, He saw two people that were demon possessed.  They came out of the tombs being exceedingly fierce.  They never allowed anyone to get past them.   They shouted at Jesus, “What have we to do with you, Son of God? Are you come here to torment us before the time?” It’s interesting that today, so many people don’t believe in Jesus or in His deity, yet, here are demons acknowledging Him as the Son of God just by seeing Him.

 They saw a herd of swine in the distance and begged Jesus to allow them to go into them-should He cast them out.  Jesus granted their wish. They left the men, entered the swine, which caused them to run violently into the sea drowning them all.

The keepers of the herd, upon seeing all that happened, ran to the city and told everyone what they had witnessed to the two men possessed by the devils.  I’m sure it was a sight to see and a spectacular event to encounter: Screeching demons begging Jesus not to torment them, followed by their release from the men and then entering the herd of swine (Matthew 8:28-33).

Let’s tune in to what happened.  Let’s pretend a news reporter was on hand. Hear his words:

“Unbelievable!!! No one has ever been able to get past these two demon-possessed men! And here entered Jesus without a hint of fright!  Witnesses claim the demons begged him not to torment them! Can you believe that?!  Let’s speak to one of the witnesses! Sir, sir, can you tell us, what happened then?”  (Witness): “Good morning! Well, here we were tending to our swine when we heard these screeching sounds coming from those two men right there (points to the distance). It happened right after they encountered that man-Jesus.  It seems, the possessed men were dispossessed (exorcised) from the demons that daily terrorized them and this region.  They were like, disarmed!  Suddenly, our herds just went wild, I mean WILD with a thunderous clap of hoofs storming by!”                                              

“They ran violently down that steep slope right down there (he points again).  After more screeching sounds, not one swine came out alive!”  (Reporter): “Tell us, and then what happened?”  (Witness): “Well, me and my buddies ran as fast as our legs could carry us into the city (looky-my-feet) to inform everyone what great and unheard-of events had taken place today.  I don’t think we have ever witnessed such news!”

(Reporter): “To you out there tuning in at this very moment from the comfort of your home, your tent, or your camel, I’m seeing what appears to be the entire city coming out right now!!  We’ve heard some amazing stories about this man, Jesus!  How he’s healed the sick, has given sight to some and has made the cripple walk. This is pretty awesome, I mean, without ointments or trickery!  Let’s see how they express their gratitude to him!  I’m sure they’ll present him with some sort of token for his act of bravery! Maybe even a dinner-invite at one of their home, or a chicken, or little piggy.  I mean, two men released of their demonic chains after, who-knows-how-long! No one has ever done such heroic acts!!! 

“Sir, sir!  Are you leading this group?”  “Yes sir, I am!” said this gruffy-looking fellow. Where is this Jesus man?” he asked. “Right over there, sir” I tell him; I don’t see any chicks…

(Leader): “Look Jesus, we think you should leave our territory, in fact, I’m begging you to scram, to hit the road with your followers, to skedaddle at once!”

(Reporter): “What??!!” “Are they nuts?”  This man is an amazing man! He has the hands of God! He’s like no other!  I’d love for him do some miracles at my place! Hey, Jesus…wait up…” Putting his pad and pencil away he says…
“Well, there you have it folks, LIVE, On-The-Spot from Gergesenes, we’re outta-here!” “This is W-A-Q-U-I NEWS- where the unbelievable happens, and believe you me, this is unbelievable!”

Yes, Satan has been dethroned and dismissed from our lives once we yield ourselves to God. In fact, Jesus defeated him at the cross and made a spectacle of him.  However, he will continue taunting; especially, if we don’t know it.

(Matthew 8:34reads: “When they saw him, they implored him to leave their region”).  The multitude asked Jesus to leave their land.

If you’ve been overlooked, overworked, underappreciated, misunderstood, sidelined, etc. don’t feel bad. Jesus understands.  This city preferred their swine over the healing and miraculous-working hands of Jesus.  He wasn’t welcome.

And so, we can miss God right in our midst.                                                             It’s easy to overlook the extraordinary work of God in our lives.  He oftentimes challenges us in our walk with Him.  He draws us in our pursuit, yet, we may not know how to react. Maybe we need to learn to recognize God-at-work in our day-to-day living.  We can’t afford to push Him into a corner, or worse, ask Him to leave our premises.  He will comply with our demands. Let’s allow Him the room He needs to work His miracles.  Let’s allow Him into our living rooms and kitchens for a meal as we thank Him for our deliverance and our salvation.  Let’s treasure those moments.

“Lay not up treasures for yourselves upon earth…But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:19-21).

God Bless!