Psssttt! You, yeah you! Come here! Sshhh…! I want to show you something. First, let me cue you in on a little secret some of us know. Most of us can relate to our homes, whether large, small, modest, extravagant, etc. It’s where we feel most comfortable at. Homes make us drop our worries, plop up our feet, relax and watch TV, read a book, or a blog…It’s where we can be ourselves, it’s where the real me is most evident.
I want to show you something you’ve never seen before. Try any TV channel you’d like, or surf the internet, and you’ll never find anything that’ll come remotely close to it. Ready? Grab your binoculars, your cellphone or camera, pen, paper, and let’s head out.
We’re going to climb that mountain. Almost there, just a little bit more. Here we are! Quietly, tiptoe right here and look over there. Can you see that wall? See how great and high it is?! Do you see those gates? Those are the pearly gates. There are twelve gates having twelve angels. I sure would love to see at least one of those angels! YEAH!! Sshhh…! There are names written on each gate which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. There are three gates on each side. The wall of the city has twelve foundations and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
The city measures approximately 1500 miles wide x 1500 miles long on each side including 1500 miles in height! Its wall is about 200 feet high!! WOW! The building of the wall is made of jasper. The city itself is pure gold like clear glass! Can you imagine living in there? The foundations are of precious stones. Can you see them glistening from here?! Wow! Get a load of them! Let’s see if we can identify them: I see Jasper, Sapphire, Chalcedony, Emerald…What do you see? I see Sardonyx, Sardius, Chrrysolite, Beryl… I can’t see the rest. Let me try again….Topaz, Chrysoprasus, Jacinth, and Amethyst!! Amazing!!
The twelve gates are made of twelve pearls (Revelation 21:9-23)!!
Dude, there are no synthetic materials here! No cheap hand-me-downs! Everything is genuine; the real deal!
If only we could get close enough to see inside…I’ll be pleased with just a glimpse right now…
The street of the city is of pure gold (Revelation 21:21)!! Can you imagine riding bike there? Dude, or roller-blading! I wonder if they’ll let us! That’s like, the first question to ask when I get in there! For sure!!
Come, right here, behind this rock. There’s no temple in there. I can see how bright it is! There are no lights, I see no sun, no moon…It seems God’s glory and the Lamb’s light are what’s shining all around! Wow!! No mo’ light bulbs to change!! …And power will never go out!!
I hear there’ll be no more crying, no more sick people, no crime, no evil, no liars, nothing that works evil in there, and no more death (Revelation 21:4)! Man, wouldn’t you love to live there? YEAH!! But how? I see angels all around guarding this place. Ahh! Let me show you how!
Place your trust in Jesus, for “Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13). Once saved, and on His list, the Lamb’s book of life, you’ll be more than pleased to know He’s working on your house! Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:2,3).
Friend, are you ready to move in? Waste no time! There’s no l-o-n-g waiting list either. This very moment you can invite Him into your heart and your name will be there! Think of all the beautiful things beyond those gates! Yep, the gates alone are spectacular! Tell all your friends about it! Plus, you’ll never be alone cause God and Lamb (Jesus) will reside there and we’ll have around-the-clock access to Him!
Next time, I’ll show you a glimpse of the inside! Can’t wait!!
I’m ready for my forever log cabin/timber frame home! I’ll be decorating for a long, long time 😉!
God Bless!