The Talk of The Town

Cheers to all of you out there who have posted comments on my blog! It’s way-easier to respond this way.
I appreciate the opinions, comments, and suggestions tossed my way!
This is a new experience for me, having never posted or written anything to be shared with others before. I’m learning as I go along! I’m glad y’all are enjoying the reads!
Some entries may contain more serious topics than others. Then again, some issues have been easier to cope with than past ones. That’s life!
Granted, it isn’t always easy to find humor in some situations, as you will soon see! We can sometimes laugh at things right there and then, but sometimes, it can take months or years down the road, to see the lighter side of an issue. There are times when a topic only deals with life & death situations: providing nothing humorous at all. We’re just trying to make the best lemon-aide out there (when life serves you lemons…)! Drink up!