Lost and Found

I’ve written several pieces about Christmas. There’s mention of snow, Christmas trees, tinsel, lights, storms, gifts, and more! Sometimes, in the midst of all that’s related to Christmas, like in the wrapping and the unwrapping of gifts, or the cooking and eating of sweets and meals, it’s very easy to lose our perspective.  It’s easy to lose Jesus. He’s the real reason we celebrate the day to begin with. If you’ve lost Him, you’re not alone.

Back when He was twelve, His parents took Him along to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of the Passover.  When it was all over, as they headed home, they figured He was among friends and relatives.  But they couldn’t find Him.  They had to backtrack and return to the starting point.  After three days, they found Him both listening and asking them tough questions that astounded them.  He was doing His Father’s business (Luke 2:41-49).

Jesus was found! He returned with his parents. Have you found Him? Have you had a ‘run-in’ with Him? Has He returned home with you?  Maybe you have all the ‘hard’ questions for Him.  He can answer them all. And, just as His parents found Him after three days, He rose from the grave for you after three days. Don’t hide Him under a tree, rather, wear Him about you like glimmering Christmas lights. Allow others to see Him through you. Though His parents lost Him, He was found. Like them, you may have to return to the starting point; Back to where you last left Him, or where you first saw Him. You’ll find Him there.

Merry Christmas!