Kenny Nolan had a hit song way back titled, I like Dreaming, as did before him the Everly Brothers with All I Have to Do Is Dream. I think we all like dreaming! Some, like California Dreaming, and others, enjoy dreaming about the mountains or lakes. I go for the mountains. So, let’s dream!
I see snow-covered plains all around. Hills full of snow for miles and miles. The distant sun is half-heartedly hidden. Its reluctance to commandeer the day suggests foul weather remains in the forecast. Like the sun, some people prefer to barricade behind closed doors. Temperatures are in the upper single digits. Full-blown blasts of frigid cold air almost blow me over. Steadying myself in the waist-deep snow I glance at the scenery with head down resisting the hail that cuts through to the bone.
Three hundred yards away, I catch a glimpse of both barren and evergreen trees dotting the landscape. In the near distance, a cozy cabin sits surrounded by all this beauty. I catch a glimpse of smoke ascending from the chimney. The howling wind causes the falling snow to create drifts along the way. Combined with the cold I can feel flurries cutting against my face. Wrapping my scarf around my neck and face, I trudge through the depths of snow slowly inching the hand-hewn cabin. I approach a window. I can see snow on the sills and covering the bottom of the windows. I reach up climbing on a mound of snow and look inside. There, I see a beautifully adorned tree with tiny steady lights, though some blink. This merits a sneak visit inside. Psssttt…not a sound. All is so quiet and peaceful.
I knock and knock, but no one answers. I glance around keeping my head down fighting the frigid cold, but no one’s around. I push the door and it slowly moves. I guess I’ll peek inside, after all, this is a dream! I leave behind the wondrous works of God’s creativity: a small portion of heaven is served right here. I breathe in the cold air. I admire His handiwork.
Opening the hefty handcrafted wooden door affixed with beautiful wrought-iron hinges, I poke my head inside, let out an “Anybody home?” echo. No response. With the steps of a mouse and with the wonder of a kid, I sneak into the living room.
Wow! What a fireplace! The decorations are spectacular and the fire warmly roaring. I immediately begin to feel nice and toasty warm. I remove my scarf, gloves, and coat. I look outside through the huge true divided-light windows. The darkening skies announce more snow is underway. Everything is so peaceful and quiet out there. No tracks on the virgin snow-even mine are gone. The wind’s strength is evident all around as it blows drifts and sways trees.
I shift my view back inside. Just as astounding as the fireplace is the Christmas tree! Must be at least 12’ tall and beautifully decorated with vintage ornaments, satin balls, lots of tinsel, and Christmas lights. Some blink, some stay on. Some clear, some multicolored. I sit on the floor between the Christmas tree and the fireplace. They both look so wonderful. These oak hardwood floors look amazing.
I notice the beautifully and ornately tied gifts. A partly-opened large box is positioned towards the front of the tree. It has gold ribbons & lace. It is stained a metallic scarlet color and has bows. Light seems to emanate from it as if a powerful source lies within. An orangey glow radiates from it.
A golden tag reads: To: Sophia Roselyn*–From Jesus
WOW! That’s a special box! And that name! I recognize it!
The box contains the Gift of Salvation. It’s something that can’t be bought, can’t be made at home either. It only comes through faith in God and belief in the sacrificial atonement of Jesus on the cross (Ephesians 2:8). The radiating glow must be a microscopic version of God’s glory-the one no man can look at and live (Exodus 33: 19).
Near this beautiful box I see several other beautifully decorated boxes; some to the left, and some to the right of it. Each gift box is made of a wood species with detailed carvings; a treasured gift in itself, I’d say! Each, has ribbons and bows, no gift-wrap paper. I notice that this group of gifts are for the homeowner.
It seems Ms. Roselyn has opened and accepted this great gift! Some of her other gifts are still under the tree. Let me carefully slide over and see if I can read what they might be…Shhh…OK, I see four boxes addressed to the Missy of the house…
Box #1-There’s a red Cedar box with carvings. I sense strong smells of cherry ointment, like candy. The label reads: Love. John 3:16 shares this: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes on him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.” She has received the gift of God’s love! That’s a very special gift!
Box # 2-Here’s a square box made of Rosewood painted Sun-bright Yellow and it is labeled Joy. Who doesn’t need joy? Sometimes we may feel like we were baptized in lemon, and sometimes we may even look it! “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Romans 15:13). “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10b).
Box # 3- Is large and rectangular, made of pine, has Emerald-colored ribbons and white lace. Its label reads Laughter. It’s great to laugh! Some people can’t laugh at themselves; much less have someone laughing at them. Sometimes, personal healing comes from being able to laugh at our own goofs and mishaps. In scripture, when the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, the people felt as if they were dreaming! “Then were our mouths filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them” (Psalm 126:2). When our sins are tossed into the depths of the sea (known as the sea of forgetfulness (Micah 7:19), there’s plenty reason to laugh.
Box # 4-A medium-sized box made of Sugar Pine and painted Teal is covered in many strips of lace. It’s labeled, Friendship. Jesus was referred to as a friend of sinners by the Pharisees of His day (Matthew 9:11; 11:16-19). They were not complimenting Him. They considered it an offense. They saw themselves as above others. It was thought inappropriate to ‘hang-out’ with lowly people-sinners which, they too were, but didn’t think so. Jesus came to show them-and us, that there was no difference for “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). “I no longer call you servant; for the servant doesn’t know what his master does: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known to you” (John 15:15). To the right of the Salvation box, are gifts that Sophie apparently plans to share with others. Let’s quietly sneak to the right side underneath this huge towering tree and get a closeup view of them. Doing this makes me feel like our youngest daughter: One day, my wife and I said to her, “The tree is looking really nice with all the gifts under it… and she remarked something like, “Yep, there are 18 gifts there.” We asked, “What, you’ve been counting them?” to which she replied, “Yep, every night.” And I asked her, “You mean, you crawl under the tree to count them?” “Yep!” she replied. So, “Did you include those, and the ones…?” “Yep, & Yep’ came her reply! So it’s been that she would say, “Now there are 34…45..” Somehow, even with all the decorations I usually place on our tree, she would get under it and count every one every night, ever year that she was home!
So, back under and going to the other side…Here we go! These gifts she’ll give away.
Here’s a box made of IPE wood. IPE is an extremely strong and durable wood, and Its ribbon is Royal Purple.
According to Its label, it contains the gift of Trust. I’m impressed! Trust requires strong connections amongst friends and family members, making this wood certainly the right type of species. IPE represents relationships that endure the test of time.
A rectangular box painted Cobalt Blue with tufts of lace and ribbons in gold is labeled Kindness. With what’s going on in our world today, here’s a gift that’s sure to outlast others by a longshot. Kind words as well as acts of kindness seem to be available in short supply.
The next box I come upon is labeled, Encouragement, and it comes in an Oak box with orange ribbons.
Ms. Sophie will be able to encourage friends and strangers alike providing them with ways to build their faith. We all could use some encouragement sometime. It’s easy to feel defeated or unable to go on anymore. This type of gift, the receiver can use over and over. “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11
Outside, the winds are picking up. Howling is heard as the skies grow ever-darker. I wonder if there’s hot chocolate…ssshhh…
Just a few more to go…A beautifully painted box made of Maple, adorned with Pink lace and ribbon, is labeled Hope. In a world losing its hope, this gift is most appropriate. Those of us containing this gift need to share it with others. Give them hope for the long haul.
I see a circular box made of Black Walnut adorned with ribbons in Fuchsia. Its size is small but it packs a mean punch. In it, you can find the gift of Time. Like the box’s shape, time just keeps going; No beginning, no end.
Make time for others…Time to listen to them, to read to them, to talk, shop, play games, or do sports. Though time seems endless, your friends’ time may be running out-or yours. Don’t leave with unspoken words in your heart. Soon, the day is coming when time shall be no more as we enter into eternity.
Well, I’ve enjoyed myself here warming up, taking in the sweet aromas of these fine gifts, admiring the tree and the glowing fire. I hate to go out!
I hope I’ll receive some of her gifts! But, honestly, I’ll gladly accept the empty boxes!! Oh, the wood, the carvings, and the smell of it all!
Don’t know when Sophie will return, so I’ll just leave her a note by the gorgeously carved hefty, rough sawn mantle.
“Dear Ms. Roselyn,
Sorry I missed you! Will pass by again soon! I love your beautiful house!
Time to bundle up again. Once again, a waft of cherry, vanilla and cinnamon potpourri permeates the atmosphere. Out the door into the dusk I trudge. Snow’s about six feet deep now. I’m thankful for a dream of God’s beauty with the soft-falling snow. I enjoy the powerful winds, His majestic creation, and His sacrificial gift for me. I brace myself for the long trek home through the mountains, through the woods, thinking of His unfailing love, His wondrous gifts…
Time to get up. Time to live. Time to dream. Time to make dreams come true.
Merry Christmas! Thank God for His Indescribable gifts (2Corinthians 9:15)! Unwrap yours today! Share them!
God Bless,
*Disclaimer: The names Sophia, Sophie Roselyn, is a fictional name. Any connection to an actual person with this name is merely coincidental.