Winter Memories

Outside, the cold winds blew hard while snow-flurries dusted our streets. We often went outside to play in the snow. From snowball fights to building snowmen, to falling down in the snow to making footprints, etc. we loved playing in it! The stillness surrounding the snowfall made the days extra special. In the evenings, the gusts sometimes increased and Christmas lights came on in neighbor’s windows. Such a pretty sight. We loved being outside rain or shine. But come snow, that was an extra treat. We’d play two-hand tackle football because we would attempt running and we’d laugh just trying to move as fast as we could as flurries went in our mouths, but couldn’t actually run! And, it was hard to get tackled! We could also fall without getting hurt. Such a great blanket! When we’d get cold enough, we’d head back inside my building to thaw by the radiator. Being the tallest building on the block, and having a step-down section at the back, we would sit and hide underneath the stairs and warm our hands and feet for a few minutes before heading back out.
Snow is such a God-thing. How’s it made? How do such tiny flakes connect in huge amounts to form several feet of snow? Scientists have their theories and they can even explain them. It’s amazing, isn’t it? Back in April 14-15, 1921 (in a one-day period), Silver Lake, Colorado received 76” of snow-that’s over six feet (Guinness World Records, 2007 p.29)!
In a week’s time, in Iran back in 1972, a blizzard dumped over ten feet of snow (Guinness World Records, 2019 p.44)!
And, in a one-year period, Tamarac, California had the greatest depth of snow on the ground at 451”-over 37 feet (Guinness World Records, 2007 p.29)!
Imagine a huge warehouse of it ready for delivery. Can you imagine? Imagine entering a huge place full of snow where you can play & play and not tire of it! Imagine having a room nearby, or in your house filled with snow and just saying, “Mom, I’ll be next door!”
Does God have a point of view on this? How does He explain it? Does He agree with scientist’s findings? Or does He have a different take on it? I’ve asked Him. He gave me the same answer he gave Job when Job thought he knew it all.
“Have you visited the treasuries of the snow, or seen where hail is made and stored” (Job 38:22)? I guess He does have a view! And a close-up one at that! He’s got His own ready-made snow as back-up for emergencies!
Winter Memories are great. Sometimes, special things tend to take place. Gentle-falling snow, sipping hot chocolate, baking or eating chocolate cake, sharing baked cookies, or even finding love, which reminds me of the lyrics to the song, Winter World of Love, by Engelbert Humperdinck:
“And in our winter world of love, You’ll see, we always will remember
That as the snow lay on the ground, We found our winter world of love.”

It’s so unfortunate that we can never get back the days and times we leave behind. That’s why it’s so important to cherish each day; cause we ain’t getting them back. I wonder, will there be snow in heaven where time will be no more? We’d have some mighty long days of fun! Won’t have to go up, or inside until tomorrow. And snow won’t have to melt or turn to slush. We could get twenty feet at each snowfall! We could bury each other as when playing in the sand-and no one would get hurt or die since death will be no more!
“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12NKJV).

Merry Christmas!
God Bless,
