The excitement of all the kids on our block was opening our curtains, rolling up our blinds or shades, and discovering white-blanketed streets! It mattered little if our apartments had heat, or not; or if we had eaten. Getting out was the most important thing on our minds! Everyone wanted a piece of the action. We’d grab our coats, gloves, hats, boots, and scarves, if we had one, and head outside! If the guys weren’t out, we’d yell them out. They’d rush to their windows and once they saw white, they knew what to do!
I remember one day going downstairs and actually being like the last kid there! I couldn’t believe I had missed it! We had had a blizzard and kids were on boards, panels, on just about anything they could slide on. Snowballs were flying left and right. I joined right in. Age didn’t matter. In fact, no one thought about it. There was the snow, and we headed straight for it.
Snow can be so white it can be blinding! That’s especially so when the sun hits it. Sometimes, we want to be the first to dive into it or to leave our footprints in it. When snow gets dirty, though, it doesn’t look too good. The thrill goes.
We want our lives to be pure and white like clean snow, but we know our lives can feel dirty. Sin makes us like that. It’s what separates us from God’s holiness. Standing before His presence no man feels clean. His pureness is such that all else falls short. Sin and holiness clash. His glory and our gloom, don’t mix; but it doesn’t have to be that way! He’s got cleansing power! “His blood (sacrifice) cleanses us from all sin…and from all unrighteousness” (1John 1:7b,9). Your life will be white as snow when the Son shines on it!
“Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be red as crimson, they shall be white as wool” (Isaiah 1:18b)
So, put on your gear and dive right in! Leave your footprints!
You’re clean as wool before His eyes!
God bless!