The Heart of a Father

When our kids were growing up, I didn’t have much to give them.  I was usually busy with a ton of things.  One day I thought of something that would work for me.  I decided to give each of my three kids thirty minutes once a week. Usually on a Thursday or Saturday, I would set up my timer for thirty minutes and then we’d pray and have talks about relative issues with each child.  We’d learn the books of the Bible, review verses and then wrestle! We’d have fun!  Those few minutes helped us bond.  As they grew older, wrestling was replaced by basketball or volleyball, etc. Those were moments that will never return.  The kids are all grown and two of them have kids of their own.  Life is precious and if we’re not careful, it slips from us.  We don’t need to hold on to the past but it’s good to continue creating new memories and special moments together.

So, what would I like for Father’s Day?  I’d like to know that my kids call me once a week to ask ‘How are you Pa?’ How’s it going?  How are you feeling today? What are you working on now?  To have talks about …the time that…etc.  To me, Father’s Day is about honoring your dad.  It’s about thanking him for lessons learned, for moments spent together.  No, not all moments were great-they never are, but we learn that life isn’t flawless. We learn that God placed us in a certain home for reasons.  Granted, some kids have or have had horrible upbringings and I assure you, God will deal with that and with those involved.  He’s adamant about how we treat little ones-and older ones.

 Sometimes, we break our fathers’ hearts.  Generally, young folks have something to look forward to in their lives but older people don’t always share those hope for their own lives.  For many, life could be senseless or hopeless and that’s when they need their kids there.  Kids can lift the spirit of their parents; they can give them a sense of hope and inspiration to go forth.  Remember, your father will not be around forever.

Take God, for example.  We can break His heart millions of times a day every day.  We shatter His hopes for us when we stay away or don’t honor Him.  We cause Him to cry (Luke 19:41).  We cause Him to miss us (Luke 15:11-32).  Even as Christians we can stay away too long.  God longs for those ‘thirty minutes’ of fun and fellowship with Him.  He longs to hear from us.  He wants to know our dreams and aspirations.  He longs for those plans we have; He wants to see us use our creativity for His glory.  God wants His children to talk to Him; to reminisce about those times when…He wants us to honor Him not only with our words, but with our actions like with time spent in His presence-or with our parents. God, will always be there-He’s eternal.

Call your dad this weekend.  Talk to God.  Tell them both what they mean to you.  Talk of special moments shared together.

Happy Father’s Day!

In the By and By

Months ago, my wife and I began walking.  We walk around the outside of our home; down to the end, take a left, turn back, and do it again. We’re up to twenty laps now.  We walk, walk, walk, and we talk, talk, talk.  Actually, I do the talking, my wife keeps track of the laps and ‘listens’ to me.  Occasionally, she talks too.  So, there we were recently, just talking and listening away.  Going back and forth and by and by.  I shared and she agreed.  We both made our points known for at least four laps.  Several laps later I touched on the point again and my wife asked what I was talking about.  I reminded her our discussion several laps prior. “Don’t you remember?” I asked; “No,” she said.  So, I asked her what she was agreeing to and what in the world was all her input towards.  Laughing hysterically, she said, “I don’t know!”  She had no clue what idea or concept we had been talking about.  And so, we continued to walk, walk, and walk. And as I talked and talked, she counted and ‘listened.’

The book of Amos, 3:3 tells us “Can two walk together except they be agreed?”  God reminds us the importance of being ‘on the same page’ for things to have positive results.  Whether you walk for fun, for health, or are in a relationship, agreeing is key for seeing eye-to-eye. In a serious relationship, agreeing implies both parties knowing and understanding God’s principles. Enjoy the by and by.  Make sure you’re a great listener.

P.E.C.O.S. Bill

I recently heard some comments on being privileged and underprivileged and it rang a bell. My thoughts:

We’re all underprivileged; we all stand guilty before a Holy and loving God.  We have no rights to anything.  We don’t deserve anything worthy other than the wrath of God and His judgement-even death.  Man, however, has acknowledged that since we have all been created by the same God, we all deserve equal treatment; and we do. But as far as being real goes, there’s only One Way to be God-approved: We become Privileged in Christ.  We become Equal in Him.  Through His sacrifice on the Cross we all become One. 

Take a journey down memory lane and recall your parents’ words or those of your grandparents.  There, you will recall their mentioning ‘walking with God.’ True, our lanes are really rugged paths-sometimes crooked with potholes, ditches and detours.  We’ve all walked down wrong paths at some point in our lives.  But if you continue walking, you’ll reach the foot of the cross.  It doesn’t matter if you continue walking backwards to your past or forward to your future: either way will bring you to the cross-if you look for it.  There, at that ‘zero’ point all things have a start.  It is there where you find yourself; it’s where you lose yourself; it’s where you understand yourself; it’s where you begin to understand God.  It’s there where you understand others. It’s where you get your worth from.  It’s where you learn to value others.  It’s where you are equalized with them.  The cross is where we understand that we can’t do anything without Him in our lives. The cross strips us of our false beliefs and identities; the cross shows us that real value and dignity hangs there.  Jesus at the cross was all the best the world had and has; yet the only perfect person gave His all for you and me.  We’re not worthy of anything other than being guilty for putting Him up there.

As we start anew, through His sacrifice we are Sanctified-set aside for His works and purposes.  In Christ, we receive a new Bill of ownership, a Bill of forgiveness, a Bill of debt-free.  We’re declared sinless!  Whether you’re a sneaker person or a sandal guy, grab your shoes, your crutches or wheelchair and start your journey to the cross.  Christ is waiting there for you.  It’s not your stories or excuses that he wants, no. He’s waiting to receive you with open arms.  Sure, He’ll listen to all you have to say so pour out your heart to Him and He’ll embrace you and rub your hair and pat your back.  He’ll kiss your cheeks just like your daddy did or your grandma/grandpa did.  He’ll caress you and accept you.  He’ll welcome you home.  He’ll clean and dress your wounds.  Everyday He’s there by the window of His home looking out for you hoping today will be the day of your return.  When you give your life to Him, you’re lassoed in and become Privileged to be called His son or daughter. Remember:

Privileged, Equal, Cross, One, Sanctified Bill (certified)

God bless you.