
Our hearts go out to everyone who has lost a loved one during these past several months due to the Coronavirus infection.  We know it’s been unfair, unreal, eerie, devastating, and unfathomable.  Hundreds of people have been unable to say their last goodbyes to loved ones.  Many expected a better ending than the way things turned out. From the wife who left her husband in front of a hospital to seek parking and returned never to see him again, to multiple siblings dying within days of each other, it has been devastating, to say the least.

As hard as these realities are, God knows your hurt.  He knows your sorrows.  He understands your pain and suffering. He knows and understands your heart.  He knew it before you did.  He foresaw it eons ago and made a way for you, for us all.  He too was unable to say his goodbyes to His Son, Jesus when He was dying.  God and all of heaven’s angelic host saw the suffering and punishment inflicted upon His son.  Jesus was entirely righteous.  He had no sin.  He was the personification (reflection, expressed image) of God in the flesh.  He and the Father, as well as the Holy Spirit have always existed. They had been ‘One’ infinitely.  Now for the first time they were being separated.  Interestingly, Corona means crown in Spanish.  Jesus wore a crown of thorns for us.  He shed blood before the cross. He took the virus as well as all plagues and illnesses upon Him on that dreadful but necessary day.

 The Father witnessed all the abuse and unjust punishment inflicted upon His Son when scourged. At the cross Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the world, and God, who is righteous and knows no sin turned His face for a moment from His Son (Matthew 27:46).  God cannot look upon sin.

If someone did not deserve death, it was Jesus.  But He was making a way-a way of healing, a way of salvation, a way of eternal life for you.  Eons ago, God knew what you would be going through today just as he has known whether or not you will embrace His sacrifice for you.  He knows if you will grow closer to Him for healing, for His embrace, for His comfort.  Take His hand and allow Him to walk you through this hurt on to the other side of pain and loss. He knows the way. May He comfort your heart today and in the days to come.

Sam & Viv