Did Christmas catch you by surprise? One minute it was October and the next, December?

Were you shocked at how fast it’s all moving??

Have the ‘holidays’ caught you with your ‘pants down’?
Or perhaps with them up??

Dag, way up???

Don’t despair!!

While the ‘holidays’ might soon run out, Christmas is a year-round celebration. Real Christmas, the birth of Emmanuel-God with us, is here to stay every day, every year. It’s a deeply profound concept. It’s one that never ends. God, the Father, put the greatest gift of all time, His Son Jesus, in a manger to later die not under a tree, but on a tree (Acts 5:30) and thereby demonstrating the greatest love of all.
You’re not the only one caught off guard!!! The world was caught in a daze too! You see, expected on the scene was something like one of today’s celebrities-one strutting his stuff down the sidewalk with heavy gold chains around his neck wearing the latest fashions with gold sparkling from his ears, his teeth, and his sandals. The religious leaders and the crowds and mobs were looking for someone to turn heads. They wanted to shower him with oohhs & aahhs and fall at his feet because he was so rich with bling.
Instead, He came so humble; not a home to be born in; not a warm bed to rest on; not a warm, fluffy pillow to lull Him to sleep. He didn’t get the Sky-Blue paint color along the walls; there were no designers scrambling to give Him the best and latest improvements trending at the time. His parents were poor. His vehicle was a donkey. God had chosen to confound the world by showing it what real humility is. By showing it that they didn’t need someone to rescue them from the world but to be rescued from themselves first. They were slaves not just to others (the Romans), but to sin, and needed redemption from it first and foremost.
And yes, He will once again, and very soon confound the world when He takes His very own home forever. Are you looking for the gold-studded king wrapped in bling-bling? If you are, you’re missing the point. He came lowly so he can relate to your circumstances. Though rich, He made Himself poor to understand us; to give us a chance to ‘afford’ Him. He made the way easy for us-just follow Him. You don’t need riches, cars, jewelry, mansions, or social media followers to follow Him. Invite Him into your heart today and you’ll be surprised at how well He can guide your steps. Look to the tree, He’s there. Your name is on the gift others may have overlooked.

Merry Christmas from our home to yours!
