The Gift of a Christmas Child

It was a cold December morning many years ago when a perfect gift came into the world.  Words like, “Oh Lordy” were most likely shouted out by my wife shattering the morning silence.  They were not in reference to the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus; nor were they said in anticipation of the Christmas holiday soon-to-be upon us.  No, they were words meaning, “Hurry up and get me to the hospital!!”  We’re having us a baby NOW!  We caught a taxi and dashed there.

I’m not sure how Joseph felt when Mary brought forth her newborn.  I don’t think the baby wipes were ready or the milk bottle warm.  He may not have even had a pacifier; I don’t know what they used back then, but after an 80-100-mile journey, they needed something to quiet baby Jesus.  I know I wasn’t ready.  This was like, “Taxi! Get over here and step on it!”  Have your coat? Check; Have your papers? Check; Having contractions? Check, check!!  Out the door we went in the cold, dead of winter.

Now, I’m the type of guy that’s always on the go. I would like all stores to have revolving doors so I can walk in, grab & pay for my purchases and head right out in minutes flat.  I’m sure the Lord knew this that morning, cause a few minutes after arriving and my wife having been whisked off in a rush, as soon as I began to ask the secretary if…she congratulated me!  I assured her she was confusing me with someone else like maybe the lady just dropped off.  I only wanted to know if I should leave and take my wife’s coat and return later, or wait for her so we could head back home. Once again, I was congratulated.  I told the lady that I had just dropped off my wife like three to five minutes earlier.  “yeah, yeah,” the lady said.  She just came in and just as fast gave birth to a healthy daughter, I was told.

 I couldn’t believe it!  That was fast! Just the way I wish the previous two kids would have been born!  I would have wanted to walk up to the desk and said on each occasion, “Here’s my wife and please hurry; this child is to go.”  I’m sure most men would agree with that.  I’m sure my wife wishes it could have been like that too.

Our daughter was in a rush too.  She had my ‘hurry up’ in her genes-and diapers too!  She flew out in a jiffy.  Some crying, some laughter, and in no time, some jokes!!  She’s always been a clown.  She was born with a full set of hair; kind of like a wig.  And even though she was already past her due-date by a week and was born twelve days before Christmas, she was our Christmas child.  Like Jesus, she was born at just the right time-God’s appointed time to bring peace and joy (and laughter) to this world.

Happy Birthday, Princess Sarai Magdalene!

Happy Sarai
Two-month old baby girl
Three-month old Sarai with her grandpa
A happy and quiet baby
Where did everyone go?

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