
All His life He was considered a radical.  People were used to doing things a particular way, but He taught them they could actually be done differently.  Jesus was a misunderstood man.  People knew if someone hurt you, you should hurt them back.  If someone slapped you, slap them right back.  You got a black eye?  Give him one too.  It made sense.  It was an eye for an eye.  But Jesus taught differently: If someone slapped you, turn the other cheek; in other words, say, “Uh, you missed this side.”  Jesus wants us to go as far as to give a cup of water or a plate of food to those who hurt us-to our enemies (Matthew 5:44).

In one word, Radical, is what He expects us to be.

Most of us are accustomed to doing things our own way until we learn a new way.  However, more times than not, we refuse to learn a new way.  Jesus tells us to greet those we don’t know; to invite to feasts those who can’t invite us back to their place.  Again, be radical.  This is a lesson I’ve learned throughout the years.  For some twenty years we’ve invited lots of friends and family over for various occasions, yet, they hardly ever show up.  On two instances, after settling on a date and time for 2-3 days later, my wife has cooked galore with roasted pork and rice and baked cakes only to have no one show up.  When confronted about the situation in each case, the parties involved reacted with either, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” and, “I forgot.” That led us to stop inviting people over.

Our only invitation is for Thanksgiving and 2-3 times in the past we also had a Christmas dinner.  We announce it to our church and the members take it upon themselves to bring those they find along the way (Luke 14:12, 13).  God knows who needs to be here and so He sets it up so those that would otherwise be alone, can fellowship with others and also enjoy a great, hot meal.

In Jesus’ days, He told of a parable where people were invited to a great feast but when it was time to show up, one by one they began to make excuses about attending.  Jesus said that those people were not worthy of being at the party.  So, He had His servants go out to the highways and byways and invite the poor and lonely ones (Luke 14:16-24).  That’s how it is with God’s Kingdom.  So many people have excuses as to why they shouldn’t give their lives to Christ, even when they feel His tug at their hearts.  In essence, they’re telling Him, they’re not worthy to be there; they’ve got better and more important things to do.  When it’s too late, they’ll be crying for a second chance, but it’ll be beyond reach.

Are you one of those invited to God’s Kingdom?  It’ll be much more than turkey, pork, or ham and more than varieties of cakes and pies.  We’re looking at eternal life, eternal fellowship with God Himself and Jesus.  A perpetual feast!  There will be no more pain or sickness or evil to deal with.  Death will be gone forever.  We’ll never age, and no more wrinkles!!!

Be radical!!  Live for Jesus now!

God Bless!
