Who doesn’t like stories of buried treasure??! They’re fascinating. Most hold intrigues. There’s mystery and the danger of the unknown. Treasure hunting may require years of search. Loss of investments and time are two factors people deal with when looking for wealth that others lost or has been hidden for years. Some searchers are ‘driven’ while others may believe ‘they’ have been chosen to stumble across it. People will pour their heart and soul into a mission usually laden with uncertainty.
Sometimes, searches require miles of traveling to hopefully make a great discovery. Other times, treasures are unearthed right in someone’s backyard. I love stories of miners digging for gold. How those who found it usually risked it all for it. How against all odds, they became winners instead of whiners. What kid hasn’t dreamt of becoming rich digging for pirate treasure?
Have you ever found some treasure? Are you in the midst of striking it rich soon? Has your shovel struck the hard, metal of a chest buried deep in your yard? Are you losing sleep just anticipating pulling it out? Is your mind wondering what might be inside? Your heart pacing with wonderful thoughts of how you’ll use those gold coins??? Have you made a plan yet of ALL you’ll buy with the countless millions??? If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you may be on your way to… …success! Or, to waking up!
I recently came across some treasure. Our home is surrounded by lush vegetation. There are all types of plants and trees, rocks and boulders as well as plenty of hidden locations where forgotten gold has been buried for who knows how long. What I discovered was serendipitous. While cleaning out my bin filled with memorabilia, touching as well as funny letters, notes, poems, and pictures drawn by our three kids decades ago were ‘unearthed.’ Below are some of my discovered treasures.

Something all treasure hunters have is determination. They set out to ‘strike it big’ over days, months, or years if necessary. Many days are spent with little sleep or even food, so long as what is so anxiously awaited, is found. God tells us to do the same:
“My son, incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; Yes, if you will cry out after knowledge, and lift up your voice for understanding; and will seek for her as silver and search for her as hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God…” “Happy is the man that finds wisdom and gets understanding for she is more profitable than silver, and yields better returns than fine gold.” “She is more precious than rubies.” Proverbs 2:2-4, 3:13-15, paraphrased.
Walking with God, treasure hunting with Him is an adventure! But He’s always present to lead and guide us and to point us in the right direction.

Happy Farters’ Day!

While at it, seek to create and maintain great memories
with your loved ones.
This was great!!!!
Papi I love you so much. You’ve always strived to give us a better future and to teach us life lessons that would help us in our life.
Glad you enjoyed it, Mssss. Cruzzzzzzzzz, my treasure!