While growing up in the 70‘s the talk around us often focused on marriage. Common amongst high schoolers ran the thought, “Who needs a piece of paper?” “That’s all it is.” It made some sense, I mean, after all, it seemed the only thing binding two people in love was nothing more than paper. When we view marriage on an extremely small scale, it makes sense. Most of us have been exposed to all types of marriages and relationships. From simple weddings performed in tents or tipis, to some performed in the woods or on the water. I’ve read of multimillion-dollar unions (Prince Charles & Lady Diana – $110 million) to one where even an amphitheater was created just to house some twenty thousand guests (some of which were flown in for the five-day event), by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Princess Salama at an estimated cost of $100 million. Weddings may have all the utensils cast in 24k gold or of cheap plastic-or paper (easy on the environment!).
We’ve heard of all types of weddings, from people marrying either in groups of three (a man & two wives, or vice versa), to hundreds tying the knot all at once. We recently had a great laugh when a cousin of mine came to visit us. We hadn’t seen each other in almost three years since before the storm. Since we all had endured quite an ordeal, laughter was definitely needed. She had recently celebrated a civil wedding and a church wedding, so I thought, ‘Why not a shotgun wedding?’ neither she or the husband were familiar with the term. After a brief explanation, they agreed to one!
So here we can see Jose ‘sweating bullets’ under the gun, while Evelyn is dreamy-eyed and overflowing with love as she awaits Jose’s high-pitched and squeaky-voiced, “I Do!”

So, how about you? Are you awaiting the most glorious wedding ever??? I’m not talking about the wedding of the year, or of the decade. It’s not even the event of the century or of the millennium; heck, it won’t be a cheap $110 million party for 20,000 guests, and it’ll last a lot longer than five days!!! It’ll be the largest and greatest wedding in the world! The most spectacular event in history!!! Forget 24k gold utensils, the streets themselves will be paved of crystal-clear gold (Revelation 21:21)!!!
Are you ready??? Are you going??? The invitation was sent out over 2,000 years ago. The preparations are still in-check. The bride, all who believe that Jesus is the Son of God, is getting herself ready!!! She’s all dressed in white (the righteousness of the saints; Revelation 19:7, 8) and waiting for Him, the bridegroom, to call us there for an unrivaled event! The bride is made up of believers from every corner of the world and every nationality. Billions will be there!
Quick, accept the invitation, get your garment ready by living for Him! His return will be very soon, in the twinkling of an eye! Be ready to say, “I do!!!” You’ll live with Him for all eternity. It won’t be a shotgun wedding, for sure; God doesn’t force anyone to serve Him!
When my wife and I married, the church altar had a hidden door behind thick curtains. The door was the entry to a small office. While I waited at the altar with the best man, the guests didn’t know that the bride was behind that door. As everyone was looking back waiting for her to appear, and, I’m sure some were probably thinking, “I knew she’d leave him waiting there,” she stepped down and took her place next to me! When people began turning around, one could hear comments like, ‘How did I miss her?’ and ‘When did she get there?’ It was funny to us who knew it. While everyone was busy looking back for the bride, they missed her up front. As we await Jesus’ returns for His Bride, we’re busy looking upwards towards the heavens awaiting the glorious moment when at the sound of a trumpet, we shall be changed, transformed, and will meet Him in the air and readied to enter His glorious kingdom where the Marriage Supper of the Lamb will take place. (Revelation 19:7-9)
True Romance is in the air. You can be part of it!!! Believe and accept that Jesus is God’s Son and that He’s coming back to take you home. Once signed up, your name shall be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Revelation 3:5), and you shall never taste death! Don’t look back, you’ll miss Him—but upward, for your redemption is getting close (Luke 21:28)!!! He’ll be here sooner than you think!
God Bless!