
Love expresses itself in many ways.  Generally, we love our kids and our spouse and we share good times as well as trying times.  We might play games, sports, watch movies, and sometimes work on projects together.  In our case, we built a home together.  With three kids under age seven, we began planning our own ‘Lil’ house on a prairie.’  When we bought our land and home in a kit, we worked together every summer on getting it one step closer to a livable place.   Our ever-creative eldest-of-the-two daughters was always engineering ways to speed things up.  As our log cabin was being put together on the inside, she and our son straddled the tie-beam log, spanning the living room almost ten feet above ground, and scrubbed it with water, cleansers, and a brush.  Not wanting to have to get down often, she decided to tie a rope on the handle of a five-gallon bucket and lower it down to her younger sister who in turn would empty & fill it and pass it up again.  The bucket was even used to hoist the younger sister up & down!  Working together does create bonding, not to mention lasting memories of pulling together and the love that is achieved when a group of five becomes a group of one in purpose and function.

God expresses His love to us every single day multiple times over.  We need to stop and look for it.  It’s everywhere: from the air we breathe, to the fact that we can breathe, to faithful sunrises and sunsets, and critters singing to Him in praise.  As St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated this year, make a connection to the love God has given you.  His heart was in everything He created.  The red heart resembles the blood He shed for us.  Chocolates and candies represent the sweetness in serving Him.  True, rising prices may affect our choice of goodies, but then again, He rose to the occasion of crucifixion, He paid the high price of salvation, He rose from the dead for us, His goodies.  All He did for us oozed the sweet-smelling fragrance of love.  Not just any love but unmerited love, undeserved love, unrivaled love, and unconditional love.  Will you accept His box of chocolates for you?  Will you accept His love? Will you ask Him to be your Valentine?  Just as when He died, He’ll accept you with open, outstretched arms. 

Like those yummy chocolates, His love oozes out for us every day, until one day when it may be too late for us to accept Him; yet His love will continue with or without us.  Like our kids working together and being creative to accomplish a task, God is busy creating ways to get our attention to accomplish the task of reuniting us with Him and inviting us into His home.

His Name and His Being is Love.

Are You A Mistake??

It’s not unusual to hear some parents tell their kids that they were unplanned, unwelcome, unwanted; in essence, a mistake.  Whether you’ve been a victim of this harsh talk or know someone who has, we know it’s not an easy pill to swallow. 

When our kids were growing up, there was a girl in one of our daughter’s class with the same first and last name-and it’s not a too common name.  The only difference between the two girl’s names was a middle initial in our daughter’s name.  Having the same name as someone else can lead to mistakes.  I recall once when our phone rang and a company had congratulated us on winning a three-day trip with full-bloom deals including beautiful bedrooms as well as included meals.  All we needed to do was pay $49.00.  Although it was for a timeshare program, we were ‘chosen’ because of a mistake!  After all was over, as my wife and I discussed the events we realized the offer came as a result of mistaken identity.

After giving birth to our daughter mentioned above, my wife learned that a young mom at the nearby clinic, also had the same name as she (my wife).  It dawned on us that the call with the offer was for her since we never applied to any promotions.  That mistake was to our benefit.  (We called the company back to let them know that they had contacted the wrong person, but they were still willing to give us the offer.)

In God’s creation there are no mistakes.  That includes you and me.  He sees us way-beyond what we actually are at any given moment.   You’re not a reject.  You’re loved and appreciated by Him.  He never bad-mouths you.  Quite the contrary, He’s crazy in love with you.  In His eyes, you’re special and unique.  He’s even preparing a great room and feast just for you, if you choose to invite Him into your life.  He believes you’re worth dying for-which is why He laid down His life for you.  His love is so great for you that He can’t leave you (or me) the way you are.  Since He knows far beyond our finite minds, He changes us from the inside out preparing us for our entrance into His mansions in heaven (1st Corinthians 15:50).

Mistakes???  The only mistakes in God’s creation was the one Lucifer, Satan, made when he desired to be equal with The Almighty God, which led to him being cast out of heaven and when he tempted man in the garden, which sealed his ultimate fate: destroyed by God. Mistake???  No!!!  You and I have never been considered a lowdown or good-for-nothing piece of garbage.  We’re the pinnacle of His creation!  Forgive those who have been used by Satan to wrong you.  Begin living right now.  God has even given you a new name (Revelation 2:17) which will be revealed to you in heaven!

God Bless!