New Year, New Birth, New Beginnings

This past summer, 2018, our eldest daughter was expecting her second child.  Like the first pregnancy, she was unable to keep food down throughout her nine-month journey.  During this pregnancy however, she would get nauseous and spit up a lot.  Additionally, she suffered from gas build-up.  I teased her saying I would buy her a spittoon and that the baby, if a boy, would probably be a baseball player or a cowboy-which I preferred.  Once it was official that she was carrying a boy, her sister told her, “I knew there had to be a reason for all those gasses!” I now knew my cowboy was ponying his way home.

  Two days ago, Lil’ cowboy reached his destination!  He arrived on December 30th.  His entrance to this wilderness was greeted with great joy by family and friends.  The year ended on a good note and the new year was welcomed with happiness and hopes of a bright future for a baby nick-named Bah-bah-Louie by his three-year old sister!  Of great relief for the mom is the knowledge that she can eat again without yucky consequences! Medications are a thing of the past.  She can begin to enjoy life again.

   This new year can be a similar experience for you! Just as new life came forth through Bah-bah-Louie, new life is possible for you by being born-again!  A great teacher of the law, Nicodemus, asked Jesus, “Can a man enter the womb again once he is old?” And Jesus assured him it wasn’t possible.  However, when we accept Jesus into our hearts, we are born again; new life awaits us!  What a way to begin a new year!  As a new person in Christ, you’ll see things in a different light.  Granted, problems won’t disappear, in fact, some may even increase, but your old self will be gone.  If you’ve ever considered ‘disappearing’ due to pressures and issues, a new life is just the perfect thing!

    Like our daughter, you’ll be able to see life differently once delivery (deliverance) has taken place; you’ll be able to ‘eat again’ without the yucky results.  The best part of this new life is that you’ll be welcomed home to God’s family.  In fact, all His angels will be partying over your decision for a new life and your Father will proudly take you into His arms and will fuss over you.  He’ll rejoice over the color of your eyes, the beauty of your hair, how unique you are; and of how special you are to Him.  He’ll especially rejoice that you ‘ponied’ your way back home.

Happy New Year!