Christmas Present

Two weeks ago, we received the generator we purchased just shy of sixteen months ago!!!  Although, it’s production and delivery were hampered by hurricanes Irma and Maria as well as other factors, we were glad to finally receive it.  When our power was turned off and the generator kicked in, it was great to see the lights go on in a matter of seconds!  It immediately reminded me of two things:  The creation of the world when darkness covered everything and God spoke, “Let there be light,” and all the darkness vanished having been replaced by a wondrous light that invaded every corner of this earth. 

And, the salvation of mankind when the powers of darkness lurking behind every human being were confronted by the True Light; The Light of the World, Jesus.  When Jesus went to the cross for our sins, He defeated the-already- dethroned enemy: Satan.  He stripped away his powers, He made a spectacle of him and of his demonic companions.  The prophet Isaiah tells us “the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them has the light shined.”  At the cross, Jesus not only wiped away our sins, but also wiped away the darkness that befell us.  He took away the curse of sin and the sting of death for all humanity.  You can receive His sacrifice for your sins and His present of eternal life this Christmas Season.  Forget New Year’s resolutions!  Instead, begin the new year with new life in Christ!  Receive your gift under the ‘tree’-the cross!

God Bless!

Be Joyful!

Merry Christmas!