
Our new place was beautiful!  Some of our closets were over six feet long.  It was great to live in a brand new place. Our kids played in the back yard and life was much more pleasant.  We moved in in April.  Now we could shop at BJ’s, Sunny dale Farms, and at Big R. We filled our pantry and cabinets ‘til there was no more room.  We’d buy in bulk and fill our two fridges.  We could watch the snow and freezing rain come down while we were toasty warm inside not having to go out for at least three months.  We only needed milk & bread now and then, which we’d get at the corner store.  Yep, life was good-‘Finger-lickin’ good,’ as the KFC saying went.

            My parents used to come over all the time just to see the grandkids.  One day, my dad said he was tired of battling all the cold in his freezing apartment.  He was 72 and I would buy him long johns so he could stay warm at home now that he had retired.  I told him to finally move back to his hometown in Puerto Rico.  He had a small house out there and since we were now in a nice place of our own, he should go.  They planned their trip for the end of October.  I lost my job in September.