Promises, Promises

   The agent told us that if we took the available and assigned apartment we’d be overcrowded already.  However, if we could wait another 3-4 months, we’d get three bedrooms, one and a half bathrooms, a linen closet, and a pantry on the first floor, on Central Ave!  What a relief to know it wasn’t the iced tea!  My wife was right-again! 

  Meanwhile, back at our ‘luxury’ hotel, my wife gave birth to our third and final child.  Three days later she was home and the temperature was five degrees outside, and just as cold inside.  We all had to sleep in the living room next to the kitchen.  My wife boiled water early in the morning so the vapors could keep us warm.  We immediately called the hotline to report our landlord again.  He came in raging mad because we had dared to do that.  I believe we quenched the excitement of his recent trip to Puerto Rico.  How sad.  We definitely couldn’t wait to cross over to the Promised Land. 

   God promised Israel they’d inherit the land that flowed with milk and honey, but they forfeited it because they listened to the naysayers instead of trusting Him.  Listen to God and you won’t have to wander in the wilderness of your life for forty years; not unless that’s His plan for you.  Reap God’s blessings by yielding to Him; by obeying Him and His Word.  Most of the time, God’s blessings simply refer to His approval of things, not riches, lotteries, jackpots, abundance of goods, great relationships, sex appeal, and definitely, not prosperity.  He is your all in all (Colossians 3:11).