Has God Said?

One day, my wife said to me, “God told me we would be getting three bedrooms, more than one bathroom, and a linen closet on the first floor, on Central Ave.” Are you sure? I asked. “Yep,” was her response.  Months later, we were headed to a ‘housing meeting to see if we’d been considered & what we’d get.  On our way, I asked my wife what she’d think if we were asked to wait a few months longer.  She wasn’t happy with the thought.  When the agent saw my wife, she said, “Oh gosh, when are you due with that baby?  “Last week,” my wife answered.  To which the agent said, “Well don’t have it here!” She proceeded to show us the place we would be getting: Two bedrooms, one bathroom, no linen closet, on the third floor, on Palmetto St. just across from Central Ave.  What had happened?  Was God wrong???  Had God really said such words?  Had my wife been hitting the ice tea again???

Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field, which the Lord God (Yahweh Elohim) had made and said to the woman, ‘Yea, but hath not God said you may eat of every tree in the garden?” (Genesis 3:1).  Whose voice(s) are you listening to?