
Raising a family always gave me reasons to thank God: the sounds of laughter amongst the kids, my wife teaching each little one to cook or bake cake. Watching the kids want to lick the chocolate frosting or batter that was left over from the cakes they just helped bake, listening to the pitter-patter of little feet shuffling along the floors letting us know they were up, and just having a family to spend time with.

Trials were ever-present, and still are.  I think they’ve graduated to a higher level of difficulty!  They’re pretty much like my timers when I’m cooking and doing the laundry: the microwave beeps signifying something’s ready, the stove timer goes off when set and food is ready, and our washer ‘sings’ letting me know the wash is done.  Sometimes before one trial is over, another one is at its heels.  We sometimes manage around those timers and need to do the same with trials.

I read the news almost every day.  Tragic news is everywhere; but if you’re alive, you’ve got reasons to be thankful for.  If no one’s reading about you having lost your life, then you’re alive.  It’s best to learn to take the good with the bad and ask God for direction on the road ahead.  Many people have lost their homes and cars in recent fires, others have lost their jobs, still others may have lost friends and dear loved ones confirming to the world that sin is all around us.

If we keep our sight on the Author and Finisher of our lives, with each bit of bad we get a better view of what lies ahead in the New Jerusalem, the New Heavens, and in our eternal abode with the One who holds the key to our lives and our hearts: Jesus.

Lord, we’re grateful for all you’ve done for us; for sacrificing your sinless life for our guilty ones and declaring us free of sin.  Thank you for preparing a place for us in your home, your heart, and in the Father’s presence.  Amen