It was difficult to celebrate Christmas when so many people had died in relation to the storm. Entire neighborhoods were still in the dark, and thousands had lost their jobs or homes. There didn’t seem to be much to celebrate either. This Christmas would be nothing like our other Christmases with a tree, lots of lights, decorations, etc… But Jesus reminded us why He was born: To give light to a darken world and to give us hope when living in despair; and so, we held on to that reminder and to his promises of better things to come, and did celebrate as best we could. We had our grand-kids over for dinner and exchanged some gifts. We were experiencing the wonder of Christmas and unpacking God’s gift to us (His love and His Son, Jesus).
Milky/Andy, and Sarai had sent us a huge heavy box with lots of goodies for Viv and a beautiful leather, custom-made, burgundy, cowboy holster for me!!! We were little kids at heart again! We were ever-so-grateful!