Calm before The Storm

September 18, 2017

Forecasters predict a major hurricane will hit the island in a day or two, yet we’re to report to work as if nothing will happen.  During the night my wife tells me she’s afraid of staying put, and possibly getting trapped due to landslides. Since that means we have to pack and leave to my mom’s place, we decide we won’t go to work the next day.  We establish a plan; in the morning we’ll pack the vehicle with food, water, and clothing.  I’ll drop my off my wife and all our stuff at my mom’s house.  I’ll pick up our son and head to the job to borrow my wife’s small fridge.

We don’t always get a chance to prepare ahead of time for life’s storms.  Should we be granted preparation time for a natural disaster, by all means, go for it.  Be ready early with needed items for survival. However, God warns of tempests on the horizon that will test us, shake us, and mold us.  He wants us to live as if we were to be called ‘home’ at a moment’s notice.  Whether a blizzard, a tornado, floods, a hurricane, an earthquake, or any number of storms come, the most important reminder is to have our hearts and lives ready to meet our maker.

How’s your ‘pantry?’  Are you stocking away for life’s storms?  When the rushing waters of worry and concern flood your being, what will you do?  When raging waves and blustering winds send chills up your bones causing confusion, will you know where to hide?  When life’s worries trap you with lies and false accusations, will you have the Truth to cling to? Check your ‘pantry’ now!  Make sure to stock Truth, Refuge, Confidence, Encouragement, Love, Faith, Hope, Patience, and Strength in God in large supplies cause you’re going to need them!