
Exactly a year ago today, hurricane Irma made landfall on this island.  Not much happened in our neighborhood; high winds, a few toppled trees, and some rain.  Sensing no danger, we spent most of the day on our covered porch.  What did happen, is that at around 9a.m., we lost power.  We waited one, two, and three days but none returned.  We were told that if we were lucky we’d have it reinstalled in about four months-in January!  We thought they were crazy!  They were!  It wouldn’t take four months.

Although we suffered no damage, the island lost half (800) of its cell phone towers.  Unbeknownst to us, the most powerful storm ever was to enter our lives.  We were a full two weeks from it.

How about you? Have you been left in the dark?  Are there any storms brewing in your life?  When dark clouds loom ahead, we like to cuddle up in a soft chair and read.  Maybe you like slipping into bed and getting under some warm blankets to escape it all, or just sleep through it.  These options sound great-especially if it’s snowing out and you’re in front of a fireplace.  But, some storms you can’t ‘ride out.’  Some storms are from within. Others are from without and are so long-lasting that you can’t just sleep through them.  You need to face them.  If they’re from within, only Jesus can calm them.  John 14:27  If they’re from without, you’ll need to cling to Him like clinging (for dear life) to a drifting board in raging waters. Luke 8:22-25

“Lord, hold my hand and calm the raging storms of my life.  Hold me close, squeeze me long, shelter me as troubles pass over me.  Help me to endure this pain.  Help me to come forth unscathed, shining, ready to face the next storm…” Psalm 91