Battling the Storms in our lives

Beginning in early March and running through April 2017, my wife went for some checkups.  Had some blood samples done.  Then a pap smear test.  Needed a biopsy, then another one.  Turns out she had cervical cancer.  We figured she’d undergo surgery in June during summer vacation, but her doctor said, “No way.”  In April, the day after her birthday, she underwent a delicate procedure.  Thankfully, all the cancer was removed!  We spent two months at home; she, resting, and me, taking care of her: getting her meds, her breakfast, her snacks, helping her to the restroom, etc.  It was a fulltime job.  I was exhausted and we were both ready for rest.

In July, we headed to see our girls & granddaughter in Florida, but the last thing we did was rest.  In the sweltering heat in their garage, I built a blanket chest for our youngest daughter.  Meanwhile, my wife helped our eldest get some rest by cooking, doing laundry, etc.  We also looked after my 80-year old mom who accompanied us on the trip.

Upon returning back home, we took our grandsons on some vacation outings before life returned back to normal: us to work as teachers and they to elementary school.  We had great times.  We were glad we did because undergoing surgery and winning a bout with cancer would be no match for the storms brewing ahead.