Over the Hill

Life in Bushwick had its benefits.  For one, we walked down a hill to our church.  All the stores were nearby, as were my parents too.  Of course, the challenge was going up the hill, especially with a carriage and another child walking alongside us.  Winter was tough, but the exercise kept us young.  I had to carry the carriage with our youngest inside and our bags to the third floor, while my wife walked or carried the other two kids upstairs.

Since I worked for a fabric company, I brought home some thick, soft fabric, which my wife sewed into a very large pillowcase; large enough to hold three kids inside it!  We’d place the kids in there when they’d sleep and when at church.  I remember walking to church during a blizzard with our huge bundle.  Snow was falling everywhere, yet our three were toasty warm!  They looked so cute!

Do you consider yourself to be ‘over the hill;’ ‘all washed up;’ have ‘snow’ on your head’ from years of stress?  Marriage can be described as an uphill battle due to struggles, finances, and other issues.  Getting to the ‘top’ in life (or the hill), is not about being the strongest, smartest, or fastest; it’s about coming face-to-face with each step as we near it.  It requires perspective, vision, and a desire to tackle them one-by-one by both of you.  Are you ready to face the hills in your life? The race is not to the swift, nor (is) the battle to the strong…but time and chance happen to them all (Ecclesiastes 9:11 b paraphrase).