Fast and Slow

When our youngest was due to be born, I rushed my wife to the hospital.  They took her straight in.  About a minute later, I saw another lady also being rushed in.  The lady at the counter asked me if she could help me.  I told her that I just wanted to know if my wife….    “Congratulations!” she said.  I told her there had to be a mistake, I only wanted to know if I should bring my wife her coat, this being December.  Again, she congratulated me on my child.  I explained I had just brought in my wife like a minute ago and that maybe she was confusing me with someone else, but she told me I was a proud dad and that I could go in to see my wife and child.  “That was incredibly fast,” I said. “That baby wanted out,” she fired.

Sometimes, life is like that; certain things happen very fast, while others seem to take forever.  It’s like raising a child; they’ll go from pampers to school age in a snap.  From there on, life can sometimes drag, especially the teenage years.  Those are the years where you pull out your hair and maybe lose a tooth or two.  Certainly, you may lose a few marbles while you wonder why time is at a standstill.  Look back at better times; maybe even picture your child in Pampers again! That would be funny!

Same thing with marriage which can last a lifetime.  Before you know it, a decade has passed (or two or three).  Make the best of it.  Hold on to great memories.  Create new ones, forget the bad ones.  Life is better with a friend or best friend; even more so when the best friend is your spouse.

Clump those moments in your fist and bring the fist to your heart.  Laugh with all your might at the fun things you’ve endured together, as well as all those moments that made you mad or made you cry.  They’ll soon be faded thoughts and moments never to return.  Finding laughter in difficult times is better for one’s health, than anger, ulcers, and loneliness.  The wisest man in the world told us there was a time to laugh (Ecclesiastes 3:4).  So do it.  We’re also advised  to “Rejoice in the Lord always…” (Philippians 4:4).  Look up verses on rejoice, and you’ll find bunches of them as well as reasons to do so.  Let’s pray. “Thank You Lord that we can rejoice in your salvation, (Psalms 13:5) Amen!